哈利波特被詛咒的孩子舞台劇的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括價格和評價等資訊懶人包

哈利波特被詛咒的孩子舞台劇的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Harry Potter Theatrical Productions (COR)寫的 Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: The Journey - Behind the Scenes of the Award-winning Stage Production 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站《哈利‧波特》將推出續集以舞台劇形式演出 - BBC也說明:哈利 ‧波特舞台劇名為《哈利‧波特與被詛咒的孩子》(Harry Potter and the Cursed Child),主角是哈利‧波特與二兒子阿不思。 官網透露,哈利‧波特在魔法部 ...

最後網站佛地魔將復活?!哈利波特續集將於2024 開拍則補充:... 華納兄弟電影公司將以舞台劇劇本《Harry Potter and the Cursed Child》(哈利波特-被詛咒的孩子)的故事為基礎,打造《哈利波特》新的續集!



Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: The Journey - Behind the Scenes of the Award-winning Stage Production

為了解決哈利波特被詛咒的孩子舞台劇的問題,作者Harry Potter Theatrical Productions (COR) 這樣論述:

《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》官方幕後花絮書 收錄舞台劇劇照、訪談、舞台劇的背後製作過程 以及最讓粉絲期待的獨家照片與舞台劇背景草圖 哈利波特迷千萬別錯過!   《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》舞台劇自2016年在倫敦首演之後,口碑好評不斷,不但獲得東尼獎等多項英美劇場界大獎,更成為全球各地哈利波特迷的話題焦點。現在,你有機會一窺這齣史上獲獎最多的舞台劇背後的製作精彩過程!   這款全彩豪華版《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》官方幕後花絮書,書中收錄訪談、筆記,還有之前從未曝光過的舞台劇草圖、劇照、後台實錄,以及舞台設計、服裝、音效等幕後揭露。此外,也記錄製作人索妮雅.弗萊曼(Sonia Friedm

an)、柯林.卡連德(Colin Callender)對舞台劇的最初構思及發想過程,以及J.K.羅琳和編劇傑克.索恩(Jack Thorne)、導演約翰.帝夫尼(John Tiffany)三人協力將劇本搬演至舞台的完整心路歷程。   《哈利波特:被詛咒的孩子》故事設定在佛地魔消失19年後,36歲的哈利波特已成為三個孩子的爸,然而他與小兒子阿不思之間的關係卻降至冰點,而阿不思在霍格華茲最好的朋友天蠍,居然是跩哥馬份的兒子。更令人意外的是,阿不思與天蠍一起發現了一個天大的秘密,他們可能會改變整個世界……   The official behind-the-scenes book of the

record-breaking, award-winning play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child   Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is one of the most celebrated stage productions of the past decade. Opening in London’s West End in 2016, on Broadway in 2018, in Melbourne in 2019 -- and with more productions worldwide still

to come (including San Francisco later this year) -- the play has smashed records, collected countless rave reviews and awards, and captivated audiences night after night. Now readers are invited behind the scenes to experience the show’s journey to the stage -- from the earliest phases of developme

nt with producers Sonia Friedman and Colin Callender, to the crafting of the eighth Harry Potter story with J.K. Rowling, director John Tiffany, and playwright Jack Thorne, to the gathering of an extraordinary team of artists and actors together to bring this new part of Harry Potter’s story to life

.   With stunning photography, insightful interviews, and never-before-seen sketches, notes, candid backstage photos, and more, this full-color deluxe edition offers readers unparalleled access to this unique production, and is a beautiful gift for Harry Potter fans and theater-lovers alike. Har

ry Potter Theatrical Productions Ltd was founded in 2013 to develop and produce the stage play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, the original new story by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, and Jack Thorne. The team from Harry Potter Theatrical Productions Ltd has worked closely with Sonia Friedman Produc

tions and Colin Callender’s Playground to produce the play, and also in expanding to new productions around the world. Jody Revenson has written extensively about the films of the Wizarding World, beginning with her contributions to the New York Times bestsellers Harry Potter: Film Wizardry and H

arry Potter: Page to Screen. Jody wrote the Harry Potter Vault series, Harry Potter: A Pop-Up Guide to Hogwarts and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: Movie-Making News, among many other titles. She has also authored Looney Tunes comic books, MAD Magazine articles, Walt Disney theme park souve

nir books and Power Rangers: The Ultimate Visual History. Not surprisingly, she’s a Ravenclaw. Jody lives in New York City.


(主持:Kit, Kobe, Gary)(嘉賓:Benji (Pop-session)https://www.facebook.com/popsessionhk)
《哈利·波特》(Harry Potter)是英國作家J·K·羅琳(J. K. Rowling)於1997~2007年所著的魔幻文學系列小說,共7卷。其中前六部以霍格沃茨魔法學校(Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry)為主要舞台,描寫的是主人公——年輕的巫師學生哈利·波特在霍格沃茨前後六年的學習生活和冒險故事;第七本描寫的是哈利·波特在第二次巫界大戰中在外尋找魂器並消滅伏地魔的故事。



《哈利波特-被詛咒的孩子》(英語:Harry Potter and the Cursed Child)是一套在2016年、2017年会在英國倫敦上演的舞台劇。故事延續自J·K·羅琳所著的哈利波特系列小說,被大眾視為「哈利波特第八集」。[1][2]目前門票在10月30日始在網上開始發售,票價由20英鎊至130英鎊不等。目前演員資料尚未公開,但是據悉會有超過30名演員在舞台表演。舞台劇中將分為上下兩部,不過通常都在同一天上演。