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另外網站杜汶澤也說明:杜汶澤罹罕見病奇蹟康復來台搞笑談喜劇(組圖). Yes娛樂. 2012年7月18日 [2012-07-28]. (原始内容存档于2012年7月20日). ^ 杜汶泽遭内地网友抵制新片发声明:选他是 ...

最後網站香港人在台灣重傷急需動手術!杜汶澤隔空喊:醫藥費我買單則補充:意外一夕翻身他被病患封為藥神. Vidol會員專屬結帳再折100元. 新劇火熱上映台華港日韓劇看到飽. 你把靈魂弄哪兒去啦? 新手爸爸心裡只想著如何美白?




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首支單曲: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UASHWB6Ai9Y

鬼故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CfqxuCHq3Y&t=3s

我的成長故事: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kdhtp6A6YJE

我講 '香港' 10,000次: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-G4uDe3QUfs

我受夠了, 我的精神困擾: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aQ6uxaQhiS4&t=7s

24小時內學印度話: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3EmtyVK1BQ&t=55s

我有身體聚焦重複行為障礙 (強迫症的一種)-精神問題
最近看杜汶凙喱騷講強迫症的題目令我想到今年加拿大疫情最差時自己也表示有強迫症的症狀: 咬手指. (Show clip)片中他提及的數格子等的強迫症行為其實我小時候每隔地上走過兩步格子會喜歡跪一次在地上. 睡覺前數自己眨多少次眼, 不能有6或者6有關或pooy數. 例如: 6,12, 16, 18也不行. 因為6是魔鬼的號碼. 如果眨了6次眼要馬上眨到7,8, 或9. 或when I use to sit in the car I needed to use both sides of my hand to touch the car window. 4 times with both hands. I don’t even know why.
長大後我慢慢tou ley這些重複性的精神狀態. 這些年唯一陪伴我的是咬手指.
今天的身分拍這條影片不是而暗網仔的身分去拍, 而是為我自己找出答案. 因為彈琴或任何要show手指的行為有時都會有goo leuy. 因為不漂亮.
I know theirs a billion people will worst tragic fates than me and this is such a stupid small problem but this channel is for me to express my self.

這幾天找到原來這類型的強迫症學名叫 ‘身體聚焦重複行為障礙’ 是你重複obsessively對自己肉身做成的創傷. 這個koy kuet名詞令我發現自己某一些其他我曾經以為正常的行為也其實是強迫症. 當然咬手指是我最明顯的symptom. But like biting my lips, bitinh the inside of my mouth (like this) biting other parts of my hand, picking my bitten fingernails. Scratching my eyes inner part, before my elbows I constantly scratched for no reason. It’s almost like self harm.
I used to think everyone did this at least bit their lips.

Now the reasons for this some believe is anxiety. But honestly I bite my hands when I’m either bored or thinking. I think it’s a mixture because when I upload a video and I’m writing the tags and all that I’m both thinking but also anxious because I’m nervous about the video performance. So I think for me it’s both those things.

Now a cause of 身體聚焦重複行為障礙或BFRB有一些人説有自己問題外還有遺傳成分. 因為我也真的見過長booy有scratch themselves的習慣.

My solution: after watching this video they told me that the solution is not to stop yourself from the impulse of doing these things before that’ll only make you want to do it more. Actually it is to be conscious in that moment that you want to do this and do another action as a replacement. So what I did is I pretend I’m playing the piano every time I get this self harm impulse. Strange it when I do this my mouth still moves and if I were biting my nails or my lips and yesterday I caught myself constantly want to bite.
But over time it has gotten easier. And I think with enough effort I can stop this. Because honestly my nails are traumatized beyond belief and it’s been so long time I’ve had to cut nails because they don’t grow and is so weak. When I scratch an itch it feels weak. Like it’s gotta fall off. And it’s just...I don’t want that you know so let’s try to change it.

Thanks for letting me make this weird video bye.