氣體英文的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括價格和評價等資訊懶人包

氣體英文的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦韓永建寫的 超冷量子氣體:英文 和(加)格里芬的 有限溫度玻色凝聚氣體(英文影印版)都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站107年一次考上銀行 英文: [銀行招考] - 第 325 頁 - Google 圖書結果也說明:解題重點形容詞字義詳解四個選項都是形容詞,當主詞補語修是be動詞are前面的主詞the gases(溫室氣體)。逗號隔開的是補充說明的副詞片語。逗號後的介係詞for是用來補充 ...

這兩本書分別來自北京大學 和北京大學所出版 。

朝陽科技大學 會計系 林鳳麗所指導 吳家瑋的 碳排放量與公司治理之關係 (2021),提出氣體英文關鍵因素是什麼,來自於碳排放量、公司治理、董事會開會次數、董事會規模。

而第二篇論文國立中正大學 運動競技系運動與休閒教育研究所 何承訓所指導 王群維的 單次不同型態運動對健康成年男性脈波傳導速率與血壓之影響 (2021),提出因為有 心血管疾病、收縮壓、舒張壓、平均動脈壓、動脈硬化的重點而找出了 氣體英文的解答。

最後網站化學反應中固體,液體,氣體用什麼字母表示 - 好問答網則補充:**於英文liquid。 http://dict.baidu.***/s?wd=liquid氣態:g. **於英文gas。




為了解決氣體英文的問題,作者韓永建 這樣論述:

將介紹超冷原子和分子體系中的少體和多體物理性質。擬包括的內容有:超冷原子物理發展回顧與簡介,原子結構,散射理論基礎,激光冷卻與原子捕陷,玻色愛因斯坦凝聚,Feshbach共振,超冷費米氣體中的BCS-BEC過渡,光晶格中的超冷原子物理與量子仿真,准低維系統(包括少體問題和多體問題),超冷分子和超冷化學,基於超冷原子的量子調控,以及超冷量子氣體的最新進展等。本書的目標讀者是物理專業高年級研究生以及對本領域有興趣的研究人員,通過綜述近十余年研究的最新進展,期望對他們進入該領域有所幫助。韓永建,中國科學技術大學物理學院教授。 Chapter 1 Introduction Re

ferencesPart Ⅰ TOWARD STRONGLY CORRELATED SYSTEMSChapter 2 Atomic Structure 2.1 Electronic levels of alkali-metal atoms 2.2 Fine structure 2.3 Hyperfine structure 2.4 Zeeman effectChapter 3 Atom-Light Interaction 3.1 Atom-light interaction Hamiltonian 3.2 Spontaneous emission 3.3 St

imulated absorption and emission 3.3.1 Rabi oscillation 3.3.2 Energy shifts 3.4 The optical Bloch equations 3.4.1 Density matrix 3.4.2 Steady-state solutions 3.5 Light forces on atoms ReferencesChapter 4 Laser Cooling and Trapping 4.1 Beam deceleration 4.2 Doppler cooling

4.3 Evaporative cooling 4.4 Magnetic trapping 4.5 Optical trapping ReferencesChapter 5 Interaction Between Atoms 5.1 Interaction potential between alkali-metal atoms 5.2 Two-atom scattering in free space 5.3 Effective interaction 5.3.1 Bethe-Peierls boundary condition 5.3.2 Huan

g-Yang pseudopotential 5.3.3 Contact potential with renormalization ReferencesChapter 6 Feshbach Resonance 6.1 Basic physics of Feshbach resonance 6.2 Magnetic Feshbach resonance 6.3 Optical Feshbach resonance ReferencesPart Ⅱ ULTRACOLD FERMI GASESChapter 7 Background and Experimental

Achievements 7.1 Brief introduction to experimental achievements 7.2 BCS-BEC crossover 7.3 Overview ReferencesChapter 8 BCS-BEC Crossover 8.1 Cooper instability 8.2 BCS theory 8.3 Description of BCS-BEC crossover on the mean-field level 8.4 Feshbach resonance and the two-channel mod

el 8.5 Narrow Feshbach resonance 8.6 BCS-BEC crossover in a harmonic trapping potential ReferencesChapter 9 Beyond-Mean-Field Descriptions 9.1 NSR scheme 9.2 Path integral and saddle point expansion 9.3 Extension of the NSR scheme based on the T-matrix formalism ReferencesChapter 10 Po

larized Fermi Gas 10.1 Mean-field results 10.2 Fulde-Ferrell-Larkin-Ovchinnikov (FFLO) phase 10.3 Polarized Fermi gas in a trap ReferencesChapter 11 Synthetic Gauge Field 11.1 Implementing synthetic gauge field 11.2 Synthetic spin-orbit coupling 11.3 Exotic pairing states under spin-or

bit coupling ReferencesPart Ⅲ QUANTUM SIMULATION WITH COLD ATOMSChapter 12 Optical Lattice and Band Structure 12.1 Construction of optical lattices 12.2 Band structure ReferencesChapter 13 Simulation of Bose-Hubbard Model 13.1 Introduction to Bose-Hubbard model 13.2 Simulation of Bose-H

ubbard model in optical lattices ReferencesChapter 14 Dynamical Process 14.1 Quench dynamics in Bose-Hubbard model 14.2 Thermalization in optical lattice ReferencesChapter 15 Disordered Systems 15.1 Disorder in free space 15.2 Disorder in optical lattice ReferencesChapter 16 Simulation

of Spin Systems 16.1 General phases of spin systems 16.2 Simulate spin systems in optical lattice 16.2.1 Classical spin model 16.2.2 Quantum spin model References


西班牙南部小島 La Palma 火山爆發進入第七天,自 9/19 週日噴發以來,已迫使超過六千人撤離,摧毀上百座房屋,許多人失去了他們擁有的一切。火山仍在持續爆發,科學家們預估有可能持續長達 84 天。

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本集 timestamps
0:00 Intro
1:33 第一遍英文朗讀
4:04 新聞 & 相關單字解說
14:13 額外單字片語
20:22 第二遍英文朗讀


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Diplomatic row
Volcano 火山
Volcanic ash 火山灰
Volcanic eruption 火山爆發
Volcanology 火山學
Volcanologist 火山學家
Lava / molten lava 熔岩
Spain 西班牙
Spanish 西班牙人、西班牙的、西班牙語
Archipelago 群島
Canary Islands 加納利群島
Atlantic Ocean 大西洋
La Palma
Cumbre Vieja
Erupt / eruption 爆發、噴發
Spew out 噴出
Earthquake swarm 群震
Fatalities 死亡人數
Casualties 傷亡
Volcanology Institute 火山研究所
Evacuations 疏散撤離
Fertile 肥沃的
Plantations 農園
Crops 農作物
Islanders 島民的
Livelihoods 生計
Jeopardize 危及
Miracle house 奇蹟之屋
Pedro Sanchez 西班牙首相桑切斯
Financial aid 經濟資助
Displaced 流離失所的
Tourism Minister 觀光部長
Tourist attraction 旅遊景點
Sparked outrage 激起了憤怒
Political opponents 政治對手
Marine environment 海洋環境
Earthquakes 地震
Lava flows 熔岩流
Toxic gases 有毒氣體
Acid rain 酸雨

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為了解決氣體英文的問題,作者吳家瑋 這樣論述:




為了解決氣體英文的問題,作者(加)格里芬 這樣論述:

1995年,陷俘超冷原子氣體玻色愛因斯坦凝聚的發現給玻色凝聚稀薄氣體的理論和實驗研究都帶來了爆炸性的發展。本書提供了詳細的超流玻色氣體的非平衡態行為和雙組分動力學理論。格里芬、二國徹郎、扎倫巴編寫的《有限溫度玻色凝聚氣體(影印版)》利用簡單的微觀模型,在無碰撞和碰撞為主的區域都給出了清晰明了的集體模式。本書適合超冷原子物理,原子、分子和光物理,以及凝聚態物理領域的研究者和研究生閱讀。 Preface1 Overview and introduction 1.1 Historical overview of Bose superfluids 1.2 Summary of

chapters2 Condensate dynamics at 2.1 Gross Pita~vskii (GP) equation 2.2 Bogoliubov equations for condensate fluctuations3 Coupled equations for the condensate and thermal cloud 3.1 Generalized GP equation for the condensate 3.2 Boltzmann equation for the noncondensate atoms 3.3 Solutions in th

ermal equilibrium 3.4 Region of validity of the ZNG equations4 Green’’s functions and self-energy approximations 4.1 Overview of Green’’s function approach 4.2 Nonequilibrium Green’’s functions in normal systems 4.3 Green’’s functions in a Bose-condensed gas 4.4 Classification of self-energy ap

proximations 4.5 Dielectric formalism5 The Beliaev and the time-dependent HFB approximations 5.1 Hartree-Fock Bogoliubov self-energies 5.2 Beliaev self-energy approximation 5.3 Beliaev as time-dependent HFB 5.4 Density response in the Beliaev-Popov approximation6 Kadanoff-Baym derivation of the

ZNG equations 6.1 Kadanoff Baym formalism for Bose superfiuids 6.2 Hartree Fock Bogoliubov equations 6.3 Derivation of a kinetic equation with collisions 6.4 Collision integrals in the Hartree-Fock approximation 6.5 Generalized GP equation 6.6 Linearized collision integrals in collisionless t

heories7 Kinetic equation for Bogoliubov thermal excitations 7.1 Generalized kinetic equation 7.2 Kinetic equation in the Bogoliubov Popov approximation 7.3 Comments on improved theory8 Static thermal cloud approximation 8.1 Condensate collective modes at finite temperatures 8.2 Phenomenologica

l GP equations with dissipation 8.3 Relation to Pitaevskii’’s theory of superfluid relaxation9 Vortices and vortex lattices at finite temperatures 9.1 Rotating frames of reference: classical treatment 9.2 Rotating frames of reference: quantum treatment 9.3 Transformation of the kinetic equation

9.4 Zaremba-Nikuni Griffin equations in a rotating frame 9.5 Stationary states 9.6 Stationary vortex states at zero temperature 9.7 Equilibrium vortex state at finite temperatures 9.8 Nonequilibrium vortex statesl0 Dynamics at finite temperatures using the moment method 10.1 Bose gas above TBm

C 10.2 Scissors oscillations in a two-component superfluid 10.3 The moment of inertia and superfluid response11 Numerical simulation of the ZNG equations 11.1 The generalized Gross Pitaevskii equation 11.2 Collisionless particle evolution 11.3 Collisions 11.4 Self-consistent equilibrium proper

ties 11.5 Equilibrium collision rates12 Simulation of collective modes at finite temperature 12.1 Equilibration 12.2 Dipole oscillations 12.3 Radial breathing mode 12.4 Scissors mode oscillations 12.5 Quadrupole collective modes 12.6 Transverse breathing mode13 Landau damping in trapped Base-

condensed gases 13.1 Landau damping in a uniform Bose gas 13.2 Landau dmnping in a trapped Bose gas 13.3 Numerical results for Landau damping14 Landau’’s theory of superfluidity 14.1 History of two-fluid equations 14.2 First and second sound 14.3 Dynamic structure factor in the two-fluid regio

n15 Two-fluid hydrodynamics in a dilute Bose gas 15.1 Equations of motion for local equilibrium 15.2 Equivalence to the Landau two-fluid equations 15.3 First and second sound in a Bose-condensed gas 15.4 Hydrodynamic modes in a trapped normal Bose gas16 Variational formulation of the Landau two-

fluld equations 16.1 Zilscl’’s variational formulation 16.2 The action integral for two-fluid hydrodynamics 16.3 Hydrodynamic modes in a trapped gas 16.4 Two-fluid modes in the BCS BEC crossover at uuitarity17 The Landau Khalatnikov two-fluid equations 17.1 The Chapman-Enskog solution of the ki

netic equation 17.2 Deviation from local equilibrium 17.3 Equivalence to Landau Khalatnikov two-fluid equations 17.4 The C12 collisions and the second viscosity coefficients18 Transport coefficients and relaxation times 18.1 Transport coefficients in trapped Bose gases 18.2 Relaxation times for

the approach to local equilibrium 18.3 Kinetic equations versus Kubo formulas19 General theory of damping of hydrodynamic modes 19.1 Review of coupled equations for hydrodynamic modes 19.2 Normal mode frequencies 19.3 General expression for damping of hydrodynamic modes 19.4 Hydrodynamic dampi

ng in a normal Bose gas 19.5 Hydrodynamic damping in a superfluid Bose gasAppendix A Monte Carlo calculation of collision ratesAppendix B Evaluation of transport coefficients: technical detailsAppendix C Frequency-dependent transport coefficientsAppendix D Derivation of hydrodynamic damping formula



為了解決氣體英文的問題,作者王群維 這樣論述:

目的:本研究目的為探討單次最大運動、長時間運動、高強度間歇運動、下肢等長運動以及下肢等張運動對脈波傳導速率 (pulse wave velocity, PWV) 與血壓之變化情形。方法:招募健康大學男性學生隨機分派至單次最大運動組 (maximal aerobic exercise, ME) (n=20);中等強度長時間運動 (moderate-intensity endure exercise, MIE) (n=20);高強度間歇運動 (high-intensity interval exercise, HIIE) (n=20);下肢等長阻力運動 (isometric resistance

exercise, IME) (n=20);下肢等張阻力運動 (isotonic resistance exercise, ITE) (n=20)。正式測驗前MIE組需在固定式腳踏車上進行攝氧峰值 (peak oxygen intake; V ̇O2peak) 測驗;HIIE組在固定式腳踏車上進行最高心跳率 (heart rate peak, HRpeak) 測驗;IME組在Biodex上進行最大等長自主收縮 (maximal voluntary isometric contraction, MVIC) 測驗;ITE組在Biodex上進行最大肌力 (one-repetition maximu

m, 1RM) 測驗。並於運動前 (Rest)、運動後立即 (T0)、運動後15分鐘 (T15)、30分鐘 (T30)、45分鐘 (T45)、60分鐘 (T60) 檢測手指到腳趾脈波傳導速率 (finger-toe PWV, ftPWV) 與血壓。結果:各組的ftPWV於T0皆顯著高於rest (p < .05),ME組與HIIE組在T15顯著低於rest,IME組在T30及T45顯著低於rest (p < .05)。各組的SBP於T0皆顯著高於rest (p < .05),ME組在T30、T45及T60皆顯著低於rest (p < .05),HIIE組與IME組在T30與T45皆顯著低於re

st (p < .05),MIE組在T15、T30及T45皆顯著低於rest (p < .05)。各組的DBP於各時間點皆無顯著變化 (p > .05)。ME組及HIIE組的MAP於T0皆顯著高於rest (p < .05),ME組、HIIE組及MIE組在T30與T45皆顯著低於rest (p < .05),IME組在T30、T45及T60皆顯著低於rest (p < .05)。IME組與HIIE組的ftPWV變化量皆顯著多於ITE組 (p < .05);IME組與MIE組的SBP變化量皆顯著多於ME組與ITE組 (p < .05);IME組的MAP變化量顯著多於ME組與ITE組 (p < .

05)。結論:健康成年男性進行單次下肢等長阻力運動,在運動後較能降低動脈硬化程度以及出現運動後低血壓 (post-exercise hypotension, PEH) 現象,進而改善血管功能,因此,單次下肢等長阻力運動後對於心血管功能的益處,為本研究中最有效益的運動型態。