AGILIS 3的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括價格和評價等資訊懶人包

國立高雄科技大學 工學院工程科技博士班 蔡宗岳所指導 羅賀馨的 不同生物處理程序使用於廢水除氮 之操作策略研究 (2021),提出AGILIS 3關鍵因素是什麼,來自於厭氧氨氧化、氨氧化菌、亞硝酸菌、增殖率。

而第二篇論文國立成功大學 熱帶植物與微生物科學研究所 黃浩仁所指導 李石草的 鐮孢菌屬(Fusarium verticillioides)、產氣腸桿菌(Klebsiella aerogenes)產生的微生物揮發性氣味對水稻(Oryza sativa L.) 幼苗在植株生長和逆境耐受性的影響 (2020),提出因為有 的重點而找出了 AGILIS 3的解答。


除了AGILIS 3,大家也想知道這些:

不同生物處理程序使用於廢水除氮 之操作策略研究

為了解決AGILIS 3的問題,作者羅賀馨 這樣論述:

為避免氨氮等含氮化合物排入水環境中造成優養化的問題,環保署從民國 103 年起逐步增加相關行業別之氨氮放流水標準,因此如何妥善處理含氮廢水為 相關廢水處理廠當務之急。因此本研究針對目前較常使用之生物脫硝硝化處理程 序及較新穎的厭氧氨氧化程序進行各種探討,期望能提出有用的操作策略,解決 此問題。在傳統脫硝硝化生物處理程序的部份,本研究採用較為難生物分解之煉焦廢 水為目標,此廢水中除 COD 濃度平均達 2000 mg/L,同時含有約 200 mg N/L 的氨 氮,探討在何種操作策略及條件下,可快速啟動且處理水達到放流水標準。結果 顯示,在水力停留時間 128 小時,硝化液回流比為 4 的操作

條件下,處理水的氨 氮濃度可低於 30 mg N/L,化學需氧量濃度可低於 200 mg/L,硝酸氮濃度約為 50 mg N/L,整體氨氮去除率可達 90% ,化學需氧量去除率 75%以上,達到預期目 標。另外實驗結果亦顯示脫硝槽中去除之 COD 與硝酸氮的比值(C/N)為約 4.4,但 進流水之 C/N 比過高,最高可達 7,導致脫硝槽出流水中仍殘留有 COD,此殘留 的 COD,在進入硝化槽後會使得分解 COD 的異營菌與自營的硝化菌產生競爭現 象,並且當濃度達到 500 mg COD/L 之後會抑制硝化菌的活性,進而影響氨氮的轉化率。故進流之 C/N 比過高時,建議增加活性污泥槽或加大硝

化反應槽之體 積,使殘留之 COD 可以被進一步去除,若脫硝/硝化槽之體積比增加為 1/ 2.5-3, 應可確保硝化反應槽之操作穩定性。在厭氧氨氧化處理程序部份,本研究針對相關文獻較少探討的上升流速及攪 拌速度對處理效率及污泥增殖率進行探討。試程一、二及三保持相同之上升流 速,改變攪拌速度,分別為 5、10、20 rpm,試程四、五及六則保持相同的攪拌速 度,但改變上升流速為 2.9、3.5、4.3 m/hr 進行測試,各試程之試驗結果顯示,上 升流速及攪拌速度對處理效率並無明顯影響;但對污泥增殖則有所影響。最佳的攪拌速度為 5 rpm,同時隨著攪拌速度的增加,增泥污泥增殖量降低, 依序為 5

rpm > 10 rpm > 20 rpm,造成此結果的主要原因,推測可能為轉速增大, 造成剪力增加,使得污泥膠羽被破壞,污泥流失所造成。在上升流速的部份則是 污泥增殖率隨著上升流速的增大而增加,依序是 4.3 m/hr >3.5 m/hr >2.9 m/hr。由 追蹤劑試驗結果顯示,反應槽內攪拌混合均勻的程度由大到小依序為 20 rpm > 10 rpm > 5 rpm,即轉速較快時槽內混合情況較均勻。但轉速快時,因剪力較大污泥 呈現較分散狀態,反之轉速較慢時,剪力減小,污泥呈現較為顆粒化的現象,而 較分散的污泥,因為質量較小密度也低,當發生厭氧氨氧化反應產生氮氣時容易 受氮氣上浮的影響而

流出反應槽外。由上述結果得知,在反應槽啟動階段需注意 上升流速及攪拌速度之設定,本研究得到之結果為上升流速為 4.3 m/hr 且攪拌速 度為 5 rpm 時可得到最大污泥增殖率,但若在一般穩定操作階段,因處理效率與 上升流速及攪拌速度無明顯相關性,因此可降低上升流速減少動力之消耗。關鍵字:厭氧氨氧化、氨氧化菌、亞硝酸菌、增殖率

鐮孢菌屬(Fusarium verticillioides)、產氣腸桿菌(Klebsiella aerogenes)產生的微生物揮發性氣味對水稻(Oryza sativa L.) 幼苗在植株生長和逆境耐受性的影響

為了解決AGILIS 3的問題,作者李石草 這樣論述:

Global environmental change is becoming a serious problem worldwide, requires novel eco-friendly products that allow sustainable growth and commercial production following the needs of farmers and consumers. Hence, there are many studies have been done to discover eco-friendly alternatives, and vol

atile organic compounds emitted from microorganisms have emerged as effective, cheaper, and friendly with environment. Here, we studied the functional microbe-emitted volatiles in mediating plant growth promotion under stress and non-stress conditions, also the insight of molecular mechanisms relate

d to growth promotion. Volatile compounds used in this study were produced by Fusarium verticillioides and Klebsiella aerogene. Shoot elongation in seedlings exposed to Fusarium and Klebsiella were increased but differ in root growth. There is adjusting expression of genes involved in hormone produc

tion resulted in the increased shoot growth. CKX1, CKX9 are responsible for degradation of cytokinin, was downregulated in exposed shoots result in the induction of cytokinin levels in shoot. High content of cytokinin may cause systemic acquired resistance process via induction of salicylic acid and

PR1b protein activities. Interestingly, RR9, a cytokinin regulator, was induced the transcript levels in exposed plants meaning that there is negative feedback of cytokinin production within plant. Additionally, gibberellin 1 (GA1) production was triggered by down-expression levels of SAP11 (OsDOG)

, a negative regulator of GA. Fusarium not only induced the elongation of shoot but also enhanced the absorption of the nutrients by elevating the transcriptional levels of NAS2, one of genes in NAS family involve in metal transport. Furthermore, Fusarium and Klebsiella have been shown to increase t

he tolerance of plant to salt and copper stress, showed by reduction of ROS accumulation and cell death area on root tips. There are different impacts on antioxidant system between salt and copper stress led to the difference in antioxidant systems. Whereas, only SOD and POD-e,f isozymes still incre

ase function in copper-stressed plant exposed to volatiles, almost isozyme of CAT, APX, POD and SOD were inducted activities in exposed plant stress by salt. Proline, member of ROS-scavengers, increased in exposed roots under both copper and salt stress.