Coherent units的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括價格和評價等資訊懶人包

Coherent units的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Nunes, Leonel Jorge Ribeiro,Meireles, Catarina Isabel Rodrigues,寫的 Climate Change Impact on Environmental Variability in the Forest 和Neil MacGregor的 Germany: Memories of a Nation都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自 和所出版 。

醒吾科技大學 觀光休閒系所 陳治宇所指導 邱創毅的 旅客滿意度與重遊意願之研究-以北港形象商圈為例 (2021),提出Coherent units關鍵因素是什麼,來自於形象商圈、滿意度、重遊意願、北港。

而第二篇論文銘傳大學 財務金融學系碩士在職專班 李忠榮、李儀坤所指導 吳明憲的 國內群眾募資之現況與相關問題之研究-以英美日中具體案例之比較 (2021),提出因為有 金融科技、群眾募資、債權型的重點而找出了 Coherent units的解答。


除了Coherent units,大家也想知道這些:

Climate Change Impact on Environmental Variability in the Forest

為了解決Coherent units的問題,作者Nunes, Leonel Jorge Ribeiro,Meireles, Catarina Isabel Rodrigues, 這樣論述:

This book discusses the impact of climate change on rural forest areas. It analyses data provided by the Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) to not only demonstrate that climate change has occurred in Portuguese forests, but also to suggest how forestry practices can be adapted to

minimise its effects. In turn, the book distils data collected over several years into a comprehensive and coherent review of the ways in which the climate has changed in Portugal. It addresses the changes in rainfall, temperatures, and climatic anomalies, and how these changes correlate with effect

s such as rural forest fires. Though the text chiefly focuses on Portugal, the tools implemented are easily transferable to other countries and regions, making it relevant to readers around the globe. The book offers a valuable asset for students, researchers, foresters and those working at environm

ental (research) institutions. Leonel Jorge Ribeiro Nunes holds a degree in Geology (Scientific Branch) from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, in Geology (Territorial Planning Branch) by the School of Sciences of the University of Minho, and a degree in Engineeri

ng Sciences - Mining Engineering and Geoenvironment by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. He holds a Master Degree in Hydraulics and Water Resources from Instituto Superior Técnico of the University of Lisbon and in Geological Engineering from the Faculty of Science and Technolog

y of the University NOVA of Lisbon. He holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Beira Interior. He holds a post-doctorate in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Beira Interior and another from the University of Aveiro. Currently attends a s

econd PhD in Agrarian and Environmental Sciences at the University of Évora, a post-doctorate in Management at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Coimbra and prepares his Aggregation tests (Full Habilitation) in Engineering and Industrial Management. He has a professional career of more t

han 20 years in industry, mainly in the extractive industry and renewable energies. He is the author or co-author of dozens of publications, and has been the adviser or co-supervisor of several master’s and doctoral thesis/dissertations. Catarina Isabel Rodrigues Meireles holds a degree in Biology a

nd a PhD in Geobotany, specializing in plant ecology and GIS. It has been working in conservation since 1998, especially with rare or classified flora and habitats. She is currently headquartered at the University of Évora, where she is a guest researcher at the Institute of Mediterranean Agricultur

al and Environmental Sciences (ICAAM). She is the LIFE-RELICT project manager and collaborator in several national species and habitat conservation projects, including the Red List of Vascular Flora of Continental Portugal, the RN2000 Habitat Cartography, the Special Conservation Zone Management Pla

ns and the Report. National Implementation Network of Natura 2000 in Portugal.Carlos José Pinto Gomes is Assistant Professor with Aggregation (Environmental Sciences - Vegetation Ecology) at the School of Science and Technology of the University of Évora. Deputy Director of the School of Science and

Technology (since January 2013). Researcher at the Institute of Mediterranean Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (ICAAM) and collaborator of the Institute of Earth Sciences (ICT), integrating several international research groups, such as PROMUEVE, UIC, among others. Has taught for over 34 yea

rs a wide range of Curricular Units in various national and international universities, ranging from Ecology to Landscape. Participated and coordinated several research projects related to the conservation and management of Habitats and Species, whose financial support was approved by the Commission

of the European Communities, such as LIFE-Relict..Nuno Manuel Cabral de Almeida Ribeiro is a Researcher at the Institute for Mediterranean Agrarian Sciences (ICAAM) and professor at the University of Évora, Portugal (Department of Crop Science). He has conducted research on tree growth and yield mo

deling, mainly in pure and mixed cork oak stands. He has been enrolled in the development of single tree spatial growth simulators for cork oak (CORKFITS), for stone pine (PINEAFITS) and is currently developing an ecological based decision support system (ECCORK) for aid in management decisions for

cork oak stands.


為了解決Coherent units的問題,作者邱創毅 這樣論述:


0)for windows 套裝軟體進行分析。分析方法包括描述統計分析、信度分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及雪費事後分析。研究結果發現,年齡、職業、平均月收入會顯著性影響旅遊滿意度;另外年齡、婚姻、職業會顯著性影響重遊意願;此外,研究結果中發現滿意度會顯著性影響遊客重遊意願。因此建議北港形象商圈相關單位在周邊環境、古蹟維護及人員態度能維持一定水準,藉此維持北港形象商圈的遊客數量。關鍵詞:形象商圈、滿意度、重遊意願、北港

Germany: Memories of a Nation

為了解決Coherent units的問題,作者Neil MacGregor 這樣論述:

前大英博物館館長、「洪堡論壇」主持人、《看得到的世界史》作者 尼爾・麥葛瑞格  透過 紙上博物館《德意志:一個國家的記憶》 向我們展現 一個國家如何從歷史裡找到自我認同 以及國家的意義?   過去一百五十年以來,德國躍升成為歐陸強國,如今他們承擔歐盟東道主的身分,負責維繫歐洲分歧複雜的運作。作者麥葛瑞格回顧了德國歷史上的神聖羅馬帝國,下了這樣的註腳:「那些碎片知道它們屬於彼此,是一個整體當中的小部分。唯一的問題僅僅在於,它們應該緊密結合到什麼程度,而且應該由誰來主導整合的進程。這些都不是英國人和法國人所擅長提出或回答的問題。多虧了神聖羅馬帝國,德國人已經有過一千年的實務經驗。」

  作者試圖從德國人對「物件」的創造、挪用、棄用與再利用,編織一部數百年來的德意志歷史。他視野所及包括:雕塑、繪畫、瓷器、紀念碑、建物大門,還有啤酒、香腸、汽車、代用貨幣、字體、潛水衣、馬路上圓孔蓋、塗鴉等等。每件物品背後的歷史,都勾勒出德國的追尋、挫敗與重生,都是集體歷史記憶的一個篇章,也是當權者的意志(見「被納粹貼上墮落藝術的標籤」)和人民重新詮釋(見「柯爾維茨」)的權力爭奪場。   歷經「大浩劫」之後,許多猶太人仍回到德國,德國統一之後,更有二十萬猶太人移居原本傷害他們的國度(見「猶太會堂」)。德國人將罪愆背在自己身上,想要彌補過去的錯誤,但「集體的罪責」之外,他們的一般老百姓如何面對

戰爭帶來的傷痛?(見「巴爾拉赫的〈新天使〉」)這裡沒有英雄,只有多元的價值。過去,德國人從歷史裡找尋自我,現在,則要從歷史裡望向未來。   試舉例書內物件:   @啤酒:   除了大家熟知的慕尼黑啤酒節可以盡情暢飲啤酒,啤酒的製作方法也是認證夠不夠德意志的入場券。一八七一年進行德國統一談判的時候,巴伐利亞加入新成立的德意志帝國的條件之一,就是必須實施《啤酒純淨法》。所謂《純淨法》就是確保只有無污染的水可以使用於釀造啤酒,以維護這種國民飲料的完好性。不過為什麼製酒一定要用純淨的方法?事實上,無關健康與否,而是間接禁止人們用可以製作麵包的小麥與黑麥來釀造啤酒。   @情治人員訓練用的「腓特烈

大街車站」模型:   東、西德分裂的時候,兩方之間若有人員要進出邊防,必須在「斯塔西」的監控下進行。這個物件是柏林「腓特烈大街車站」的空間模型,如果把模型翻轉過來,可以看見背面有一個開關和一些按鈕,用意是要訓練「斯塔西」,若有人試圖非法離開東德時應當如何處置。   @國會大廈:由英國建築師諾曼・福斯特(Norman Foster)負責國會大廈的修建,他設計了玻璃透明圓頂,可供市民觀看議事的進行,象徵公民對政治的控制。不過,國會大廈的命運不是一直都很順遂。十九世紀設立的時候,保王派並不尊重議會;而希特勒根本就移往別的地方舉行議會;到了二戰,國會大廈被俄軍攻陷,士兵還在牆上塗鴉。福斯特重建時,並

沒有洗刷乾淨,在巍巍的議會殿堂留下了「希特勒完蛋了」(Hitler Kaputt)的穢語。   @布痕瓦爾德集中營   「布痕瓦爾德集中營」鐵門的內側,裝設了「JEDEM DAS SEINE」的標語,每年重新油漆一次,它不是給路過的人看,而是讓囚犯每天經過大門時,都會看到這句古羅馬法律格言「各得其所」。很諷刺的是,設計字體的法朗茲・埃爾利希(Franz Ehrlich)是包浩斯的藝術家,也是這裡面的犯人。包浩斯卻是納粹所欲肅清的一種藝術風格。而「各得其所」不只提醒犯人國家囚禁他們的正當性,事後看來,這句話充滿玄機,某位囚犯做了一首詩,透露:黨衛軍有天也將被繩之以法。   @柯尼斯堡的人孔蓋

:   長久以來,德意志的地理疆界和歷史發展一直都是變動不拘,因此,沒有所謂內在一致、可統攝所有德國人的德國史,這種情況在歐洲國家裡面,算是很特別的。例如哲學家康德的故鄉――柯尼斯堡,如今不再屬於德國,而是俄羅斯的加里寧格勒;文學家歌德發現德國偉大藝術和歷史之泉源――斯特拉斯堡,如今屬於法國。如今在加里寧格勒已不復見任何德國的痕跡,除了地上的人孔蓋。   @慕尼黑「勝利門」:「勝利門」應該是為了紀念自己的軍隊打了勝仗,凱旋而返。但在慕尼黑,「勝利門」被獻給「巴伐利亞軍隊」,卻避開了一件令人難堪的事情:那支軍隊在「拿破崙戰爭」的大多數時候,是跟法軍並肩攻打其他的德意志邦國。「勝利門」因而是一座

具有雙重模糊性的紀念建築,它顯露出一個尷尬的事實,那就是敵人很容易就從外國人變成德國人。   @巴爾拉赫的天使塑像   德國沒有年年舉辦紀念活動來追憶第一、第二次世界大戰,有什麼樣的儀式能夠用來紀念德國不但打輸了,而且還被宣布有罪的一場戰爭呢?一般國家都有高聳入雲的紀念柱或者熠熠生輝的陵墓,但德國反而只有一尊真人大小、水平飄浮的青銅人像,從大教堂的天花板垂掛下來。這是巴爾拉赫(Ernst Barlach)的作品,代表的是「一個紀念而非告誡」,他曾經表示過:我們面對戰爭時的態度應該是回憶與內省。   本文取自左岸文化出版《德意志:一個國家的記憶》   For the past 140 ye

ars, Germany has been the central power in continental Europe. Twenty-five years ago a new German state came into being. How much do we really understand this new Germany, and how do its people now understand themselves?   Neil MacGregor argues that uniquely for any European country, no coherent, o

ver-arching narrative of Germany's history can be constructed, for in Germany both geography and history have always been unstable. Its frontiers have constantly floated. Königsberg, home to the greatest German philosopher, Immanuel Kant, is now Kaliningrad, Russia; Strasbourg, in whose cathedral Jo

hann Wolfgang von Goethe, Germany's greatest writer, discovered the distinctiveness of his country's art and history, now lies within the borders of France. For most of the five hundred years covered by this book Germany has been composed of many separate political units, each with a distinct histor

y. And any comfortable national story Germans might have told themselves before 1914 was destroyed by the events of the following thirty years.   German history may be inherently fragmented, but it contains a large number of widely shared memories, awarenesses and experiences; examining some of the

se is the purpose of this book. Beginning with the fifteenth-century invention of modern printing by Gutenberg, MacGregor chooses objects and ideas, people and places which still resonate in the new Germany - porcelain from Dresden and rubble from its ruins, Bauhaus design and the German sausage, th

e crown of Charlemagne and the gates of Buchenwald - to show us something of its collective imagination. There has never been a book about Germany quite like it. 作者簡介   Neil MacGregor has been Director of the British Museum since August 2002. He was Director of the National Gallery in London fro

m 1987 to 2002. His celebrated books include A History of the World in 100 Objects, now translated into more than a dozen languages and one of the top-selling titles ever published by Penguin Press, Shakespeare's Restless World and Germany: Memories of a Nation.


為了解決Coherent units的問題,作者吳明憲 這樣論述:

群眾募資(Crowd funding)是採取民眾籌資的力量,以網際網路傳遞、宣達創新計畫、圖形設計與作品,透過網路的高曝光率讓感興趣者、參與者及申購者,以特定期間募集的方式,藉由「贊助」的模式來完成預定募集資金目標數,使新創者能按原計畫、執行及圓夢。從國外成熟國家實行群眾募資的案例,其中以美國對於創業與就業,所推動及正式簽署「JOBS法案」最為完整性,對於開放權益型群眾募資,以利資金供應者及募資創業主兩者合法性與安全性,透過有效籌資的管道多元性,以利推動企業上市規劃及社會經濟成長,進而振興國家經濟繁榮。本研究透過台灣國內平台業者經營模式之探討,與募資平台經營者專業人士進行專案訪談,目的在於瞭
