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"Chanel清新晨露系列:探討N°5及N°5 L'eau的差別與選擇,並分享dcard上的美好追尋"

在這篇文章中,分享者介紹了香奈兒的經典香水系列n°5及其清新版n°5 l'eau。作者從高中起就非常喜歡n°5,但長時間未下手購買,直到最近才終於擁有了20ml的n°5 l'eau。文章中還提到了n°5和n°5 l'eau的香氣區別,以及分享者媽媽多年來一直使用香奈兒品牌的保養和化妝品的經驗。此外,文章中還提到了其他喜愛的香水,例如dior花漾迪奧淡香水、chanel摩登coco歐蘇丹橙花&蘭花淡香水等。最後,分享者分享了自己購買的書籤和迷你香水。

"Dcard 上推薦!超清新的 Chanel No.5 晨露版試試看" 「清新晨露」:與經典chanel no.5 eau de parfum 的比較 「清新晨露」香氛新寵「Chanel No.5 L'eau」超強留香力,作者強烈推薦香泡浴球,讓您沐浴中享受個人花水風格! "比較Chanel清新晨露與經典5號香水,清新晨露更具柑橘清香,但沐浴錠味道有些嬰兒香" CHANEL清新晨露香水:多年前推出的版本成為香水愛好者的新寵,尤其是在2018年聖誕節推出的紅色特別版包裝中。標題關鍵字:CHANEL清新晨露 「Chanel清新晨露」:最後,作者分享了其他最喜愛的香氛,如Dior的花香、Chanel的Coco Mademoiselle和Aesop的Marrakech Intense。儘管Chanel No.5仍是標誌性的香氛,但加入了更清新的轉折與L'eau版本,為Chanel愛好者提供了一種清新獨特的香氣。

Chanel No.5, a renowned perfume that has been in the market for over a century, has a fresh new version entitled Chanel No.5 L'eau. This new scent was a personal favorite of the author since high school, but only managed to acquire it recently. The author opted for a 20ml bottle of the perfume. As for comparison, the classic Chanel No.5 Eau De Parfum has a strong, overpowering scent. While the author adores the back notes of the scent, the opening notes are simply too intense for their liking. The author prefers to spray it a few hours before leaving the house. The author's mother, being a Chanel enthusiast, instilled the same preferences in the author. As the author grew up and started using makeup, the author's mother would occasionally share some of her Chanel products with them. Moving on to Chanel No.5 L'eau, the author believes that it has exceptional longevity. The author also highly recommends the bath tablets of the perfume for a lovely, refreshing aroma during baths. The scent of the bath tablets is reminiscent of a celebrity's floral water, while the Chanel No.5 L'eau has a more citrusy aroma. In comparing the L'eau version to the classic No.5, the L'eau has a more distinct citrusy note, with enhanced tangerine and lemon scents. Both the author and their partner appreciate the scent, but they feel that the bath tablets have an overpowering infantile fragrance. Despite the L'eau version being released years before, it remains a popular choice among perfume enthusiasts, especially during its special edition red packaging during Christmas in 2018. The author emphasized the pleasant and long-lasting scent of the perfume, dubbing it a "fairy-like" scent that would be suitable for room sprays. Lastly, the author shared their other favorite scents, such as Dior's Flower By Dior, Chanel's Coco Mademoiselle, and Aesop's Marrakech Intense. While Chanel No.5 remains an iconic scent, the addition of a fresher twist with the L'eau version provides a refreshing and unique fragrance for Chanel enthusiasts to enjoy.

享受清新晨露氣息,來試試chanel的n°5 l'eau香水!

想要擁有一款讓人一聞愛上的香水嗎?那就來試試chanel n°5 l'eau 清新晨露吧!這款香水以檸檬、橘子、柳橙、橙花、格拉斯玫瑰、茉莉和依蘭等成分調製而成,清新果香和花香相互交替,散發出一種非常迷人的氣息,讓人不由自主地愛上它! 許多人擔心香水的持久度問題,不過chanel n°5 l'eau 清新晨露卻不用擔心這個問題,它的持久度相當不錯,能夠持續好幾個小時,讓你一整天都能保持清新的香氣。而且,這款香水不會太過濃烈,非常適合日常使用,以及在辦公室和學校等地方使用。 另外,chanel n°5 l'eau 清新晨露也非常適合作為禮物送給親友,不管是生日、聖誕節、情人節或母親節等節日,都能帶給對方一份特別的驚喜。如果你喜歡清新的花果香調,千萬不要錯過chanel n°5 l'eau 清新晨露! 最近看到很多人在網路上分享他們的chanel n°5 l'eau 清新晨露使用心得,讓我也想趕緊入手一瓶。這款香水不僅令人愛不釋手,包裝也非常精美,是一款結合內外美的完美產品。如果你還在尋找一款清新又令人著迷的香水,那就不妨來試試這款chanel n°5 l'eau 清新晨露吧!

另外網站chanel no 5香水dcard的推薦價格和值得買嗎?,ELLE和美麗 ...也說明:終於平常能用的書籤❤️ 16- 香奈兒N°5 L'EAU清新晨露淡香水1.5 ML. 再來一個! 可愛的迷你香. 於 #8. #分享Chanel N°5.試管香水- 美妝板| Dcard.

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