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Mohawks Lost: Flying in the Cia’s Secret War in Laos

為了解決charles & keith品牌故事的問題,作者Naekel, Gerald 這樣論述:

The eBook version of this book, here on Amazon, has most of the first chapter to read, while the print version preview is only a few pages long -- nothing I can control, but the eBook read is worth the couple minutes. The true stories of over 500 of my single-pilot combat flights, almost all of them

in Laos and North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. I spent about 22-1/2 months flying in the only Mohawk unit with the armed OV-1 Mohawks - until my timing and luck all ran out at the same time and I was medavac'd to the Air Force hospital at Clark AFB in the Philippines and then a series of Air For

ce and Army hospitals. This book, or most of it, was previously published as WAR STORIES - From an Army Pilot Flying in the CIA's Secret War in Laos and was for years an Amazon great seller Now it is has been updated, grammatically corrected with over a thousand changes, but pretty much the same 5-

Star book.The 131st Aviation Company, while based near Hue in South Vietnam (I Corps, just below the DMZ), flew entirely in Laos and North Vietnam for over seven years until the last months of the war. Our secondary base for over six years was Udorn RTAFB, Thailand where we flew nightly hunter/kille

r teams with the Air Force and Laotian forces attacking Chinese trucks and tanks across northern Laos, near (or sometimes across) the border far to the northwest of Hanoi. This was the war in the Plain of Jars (PDJ) and much of this was run from the secret CIA airfield at Long Teign (Lima Site-20a),

the most secret airfield in the world and home to much of the Air America fleet.Our two dozen Grumman OV-1 Mohawks were the only armed ones, and of the five Army Mohawk units, the other four operating only in South Vietnam, the 131st lost more aircraft and men than all the other units - combined.Ni

ghtly, from Phu Bai we flew pairs of SLAR/IR hunter/killer teams in southern Laos (Steel Tiger North and South) with the AC-130 Spectre gunships attacking the Ho Chi Minh Trail around the clock. There we faced huge amounts of flak and other heavy anti-aircraft fire that were not an issue inside of S

outh Vietnam.We ran SLAR, IR and VR (armed visual) missions around the clock in the southern ends of North Vietnam, including 24/7 SLAR missions right along the coast up to about Vinh. There the issue was Soviet SAM missiles, and flak and the rest of the heavy machine guns. Ditto for Laos.And we nev

er got a single man back out of Laos at the end of the war. You go down in Laos - and you are gone for good.


為了解決charles & keith品牌故事的問題,作者黃湙詅 這樣論述:

神經肽FF (NPFF)是屬於RF-amide肽家族的一種神經肽。研究指出,NPFF可以調節疼痛和進食行為,並且具有抗發炎作用。NPFF具有兩種G蛋白偶聯受體,即NPFF受體1 (NPFFR1) 和NPFF受體2 (NPFFR2)。過去我們的實驗室曾發表,NPFF通過NPFFR2增加下視丘-垂體-腎上腺軸(HPA軸)的活性。已知HPA軸參與情緒障礙的調節。為了了解NPFFR2缺失對HPA軸相關精神障礙的影響,採用不同的抑鬱和焦慮測試來檢測NPFFR2剔除 (KO)小鼠的行為和生化變化。本研究中使用了慢性輕度壓力 (CMS) 和單一長期壓力 (SPS)小鼠模型。結果表示,和給予SPS的WT小鼠

相比,NPFFR2 KO小鼠較少表現出焦慮相關的行為。此外,給予SPS的WT小鼠,其海馬迴中的鹽皮質激素受體 (MR)、糖皮質激素受體 (GR) 和FK506結合蛋白 5 (FKbp5) 的mRNA含量降低,而NPFFR2 KO小鼠則沒有降低mRNA含量。在小鼠的下視丘腦旁室核內(PVN)注射NPFFR2 shRNA並給予SPS後,有表現出焦慮行為和HPA軸活性降低的趨勢。因此,我們的研究結果展現了NPFFR2在壓力相關疾病中的重要性。


為了解決charles & keith品牌故事的問題,作者陳弘展 這樣論述:

基於卷積神經網路架構的人體姿態評估為電腦視覺中廣為討論與發展的領域之一。藉由硬體效能上的進步,與卷積神經網路的迅速發展,在預測精準度與速度上都有不少的進步,而後,隨著行動裝置、嵌入式系統等使用需求日益提高,將這些卷積神經網路佈置到這些平台上的需求也逐步提升,然而,當前的卷積神經網路大多都十分複雜,無法在這些裝置上正常運行,為此,對這些卷積神經網路進行壓縮使其能在這些裝置上運行的研究成為近幾年熱門的研究方向。本論文提出了一套簡單但高效的實時人體姿態評估系統,此方法為利用深度圖像做為分析、訓練之對像並搭配現今非常熱門的卷積神經網路架構來自動偵測出人體關節的2D/3D 位置,同時為了加快運行速度,

我們利用了網路剪枝技術對所使用的卷積神經網路進行更進一步的速度優化,使其能在維持近似精準度的同時能得到更進一步的速度提升。本論文主要可以分成四大部分,第一部分為 2D 人體姿態評估架構設計。第二部分為 3D 人體姿態評估架構設計。第三部分為網路剪枝介紹與應用。最後一部分為探討搭配目前主流骨架評估系統效能的方式,包含了 PDJ、mAP 與 FPS 三種。實驗部分,我們採用現有的 2D 與 3D 深度圖骨架偵測資料庫,搭配 PDJ 和 mAP 評判我們的骨架評估系統正確率分別為 75.14% 及 83.04%,同時能在 GTX 1050Ti 與 Pixel 5 上跑出 128FPS及 40FPS,
