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另外網站Daily Lab小巨蛋車用香氛,外型輕便時尚的車用精油擴香推薦也說明:因為家人有在車上吃東西的習慣,每次要坐車時嗅覺敏銳的我都對車內的異味很頭疼,便想尋找好聞的車用香氛來讓車內氣味芳香。上網爬文後發現Daily Lab ...

最後網站DAILY LAB 小金條系列車用香氛, 哩哩扣扣, 其他在旋轉拍賣則補充:在桃園市(Taoyuan),Taiwan 購買DAILY LAB 小金條系列車用香氛. ... 大約使用五露,高雄可以約面交,已經有自己補過多次,但還是有漏氣,懶得拿到門市 ...


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大象體操2021年度單曲《穿過夜晚》,創作始於與日本樂團toe在疫情期間舉辦的線上合作演出。與toe的團員討論後,取樣其經典曲目 "Two Moons" 的木吉他音軌重新創作,除向喜愛的樂團致敬,也以大象體操的器樂特色詮釋夢境虛實交雜的獨特場景,為探討夢境作為主題的下一張專輯揭開序幕。

“Go Through the Night”

When the night fell, the familiar daily life gradually faded.
I could feel the passing through distorted time and picture.
There, I met you, more vivid than I remembered.
There was another me, braver than ever.
Together, we walked toward the unknown, where the rules were changed.

The moment we opened our eyes, we have gone through the night.

Stemming from their recent collaboration with the Japanese band toe, Elephant Gym’s new single “Go Through the Night” fluidly interpolates the classic toe song “Two Moons” into their unique scene where reality intertwines with dreamworld illusions.

Peppered with chopped samples of the acoustic guitar from “Two Moons,” the Taiwanese trio’s expansion on their beloved song is stamped with KT Chang’s signature basslines that twist nimbly into her brother Tell’s gorgeous piano melodies. While glued together through drummer Tu Chia-Chin’s tactful, pinpoint-precise drumming, the song maintains a dreamlike air, with passages shifting inexplicably and abruptly in a way that still feels natural.

This blurring of boundaries between Elephant Gym’s dreamscape and reality is the central theme of “Go Through the Night,” and doubles as the band’s opening statement for their upcoming album centered on dreams.

◎數位平台聆聽 Listen on Streaming 🎧

◎Purchase it on Bandcamp ⬇️

🔥 新單曲全台巡迴場次&售票連結🔗

5/07(五)台北 海邊的卡夫卡
5/08(六)桃園 ThERE
5/09(日)新竹 彌聲
5/14(五)高雄 百樂門酒館
5/15(六)彰化 福大祿昌
5/21(五)台北 樂悠悠之口 光復南
5/23(日)台中 Legacy Taichung chako
5/29(六)台南 TCRC Livehouse
5/30(日)高雄 百樂門酒館
6/04(五)台北 Revolver
6/05(六)台中 洞穴 The Cave
6/12(六)台南 Seety新城視
6/13(日)台東 鐵花村音樂聚落

◎iNDIEVOX購票系統、7-11 ibon購票
#新單曲全台巡迴售票中 #完售倒數

【音樂製作 Music Production】

製作 Producer:大象體操 Elephant Gym
作曲 Composer:大象體操 Elephant Gym
編曲 Arrangement:大象體操 Elephant Gym
鍵盤 Keyboard:張凱翔 Tell Chang
電貝斯 Electric Bass:張凱婷 KT Chang
鼓 Drums:涂嘉欽 Chia-Chin Tu
取樣 Sample:”Two Moons” by toe, used by permission of Machupicchu INDUSTRIAS Inc.
錄音工程師 Recording Engineer:陳瑩哲 Ying-Che Chen
錄音室 Recording Studio:大象體操錄音室 Elephant Gym Studio
混音工程師 Mixing Engineer : 陳文駿 AJ Chen
母帶後期處理工程師 Mastering Engineer : 王秉皇 Ben Wang
母帶後期處理錄音室 Mastering Studio : 洋活音樂 SeaSide Mastering
樂團經紀 Band Manager:伊晉褕 Eric Yi

【MV製作 Music Video Production】

-On Set-
Cheng-Wei Liu|Chun-Chieh Wang|Dou Tung
Jamie Kao|Marcus Jheng|Sebox Hong|Sid Lin

Abby Wan|Phoebe Lu

Fang-Yu Su|Gafferland|GPS Studio|Merry Go Round Inc.

Kaohsiung VR FILM LAB