hard off海德沃福的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括價格和評價等資訊懶人包

hard off海德沃福的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦陳超明寫的 一句英文看天下:閱讀英文小說、電影、歌曲(二版) 和陳超明的 一句英文看天下:閱讀英文小說、電影、歌曲都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站海德沃福∣ ハードオフ∣ HARD.OFF ∣ 資源再利用也說明:1972年,我們從一家新的音響商店Sound Hokuetsu開始了業務。在環境問題日益嚴重的背景下,我們從大規模生產,大量消費和大規模處置的社會過渡到可持續的循環型社會, ...

這兩本書分別來自聯經出版公司 和聯經所出版 。

輔仁大學 宗教學系碩士在職專班 趙中偉所指導 毛成遂的 天帝教精神證真鍛鍊暨天命說之義理與實踐 (2021),提出hard off海德沃福關鍵因素是什麼,來自於天帝教。

而第二篇論文國立中興大學 國際政治研究所 蔡明彥所指導 李佳珊的 新干預主義實踐侷限性之研究~從1990-2019年聯合國干預國際違反人權事件分析 (2020),提出因為有 新干預主義、人道干預、國力、軍事對抗力、軍售關係、經貿關係、國家輿論、形象的重點而找出了 hard off海德沃福的解答。

最後網站【台南二手商品】日本最大二手商店海德沃福正式開幕,搶先帶 ...則補充:前陣子去逛宜得利家居的時候,. 就發現宜得利家居裡面進駐了日本最大二手店–海德沃福HARD OFF,. 前陣子陸續開始收購二手商品~一直到今天10/25,終於 ...


除了hard off海德沃福,大家也想知道這些:


為了解決hard off海德沃福的問題,作者陳超明 這樣論述:

每天,我們應該聽一首小曲、讀一首好詩、看一幅優美畫作,如果可能,講幾句有見識的話。──德國大文豪歌德 “Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words.”-by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe   文學大師 陳超明 給你一句話的震撼力量   跨越英美文學門檻,用一句英文看世界,咀嚼人生的大智慧   當紅電影、近代小說、經典名著、知名

音樂劇、流行歌曲、名人佳句   優美英文處處在你我身邊   一次一句,增進英文實力!   .總共收錄 100 句名言佳句   .精選自膾炙人口的電影、經典及當代小說、戲劇、音樂劇、歌曲、詩、散文、廣告等   .每篇佳句均有中文翻譯、單字解析、陳超明教授的精采導讀賞析   .利用優美句子,學英文句型、單字   .學好英文,同時領略句中的人生智慧、處世之道、領導風範、未來規劃   豐富題材:   電影   《冰雪奇緣》、《蜘蛛人 2》、《亞果出任務》、《鋼鐵人 3》、《派特的幸福劇本》、《闇黑無界:星際爭霸戰》、《超人:鋼鐵英雄》、《P.S. 我愛你》、《騎士出任務》、《環太平洋》、《美國隊

長 2》、《少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流》、《春風化雨》、《地球過後》、《雷神索爾 2》、《福爾摩斯》、《偷書賊》……   小說   《最後一封情書》、《往生者》、《羊毛記》、《米德鎮》、《蒼蠅王》、《科學怪人》、《天真》、《遠大前程》、「傑克‧李奇」系列小說、《艾瑪》、《簡愛》、艾西莫夫《基地》系列、《老人與海》……   戲劇、音樂劇   莎士比亞戲劇《皆大歡喜》、《馬克白》   音樂劇《愛無止盡》、《悲慘世界》、《夢幻騎士》、《西貢小姐》   散文   亨利‧梭羅〈湖濱散記〉、查爾斯‧蘭姆〈舊瓷器〉、愛倫‧波〈詩的原則〉、法蘭西斯‧培根〈論學習〉、瓦特‧裴特〈鑑賞〉、約翰‧紐曼〈大學的理念

〉、托爾斯泰〈小冊子〉……   詩   密爾頓〈失樂園〉、史詩〈奧迪賽〉、濟慈〈秋頌〉、佛洛斯特〈雪夜中林外駐足〉、雪萊〈變〉、惠特曼〈草葉集〉、威廉‧布萊克〈毒樹〉、濟慈〈快樂的英格蘭〉、拜倫〈她在美中行走〉、丁尼生〈老鷹〉……   歌曲   克莉絲汀‧阿奎萊拉“Fighter”、席琳狄翁“That’s the Way It Is”、Bruno Mars“Just the Way You are”、地下天堂“The Price We Pay”   名人佳句   比爾‧柯林頓、西默斯‧希尼、愛倫‧佩基  

hard off海德沃福進入發燒排行的影片


為了解決hard off海德沃福的問題,作者毛成遂 這樣論述:

摘 要 上帝頒發十誡,並與摩西立約應許之地,以及幫以色列人復國 (要守戒、需信上帝、不亂抱怨),則經過一番重重考驗而達成。 涵靜老人說天帝教是上帝之教,不需要透過中轉,教主直接是上帝,上帝頒發天帝教的立教教約、教則,並與涵靜老人立約(保台方案……等等),唯所帶領的同奮弟子們其願遵教約、教則,力行五門功課,經過一番磨苦奮鬥救劫以達天命時,即可化延世界毀滅浩劫,另觀: 風水轉動,氣運變遷?或同意21世紀將可成為是全中國人的世紀 (即涵靜老人所謂的三民主義統一中國) 。且期許以中國的王道精神(中華文化) 能將世界天下帶領至小康境界(均富),並以達大同世界。 亦期許教徒弟

子們臻至應許之地,返回天界得以永恆的生命,這也就是中國人所講的仙佛的境界。 更為了此時此刻劫運重重,特別頒發金闕不傳之秘的昊天心法急頓法門之「中國正宗靜坐」的法寶,以奮鬥有成之教徒弟子們得賜封天爵,在人間就可以獲封「封靈」,成就身外身,以務救劫。 而以上種種之應許,條件達成的方式即,守戒約、五門功課,毅力向「靜坐」、「天命」的進路奮鬥以證真。 故本篇論文即以上述涵靜老人的天命救劫,以及正宗靜坐急頓法門之封靈的立地成就,等之篇章,來做一深入的研究與探索。


為了解決hard off海德沃福的問題,作者陳超明 這樣論述:

文學大師 陳超明 給你一句話的震撼力量 跨越英美文學門檻,用一句英文看世界,咀嚼人生的大智慧 當紅電影、近代小說、經典名著、知名音樂劇、流行歌曲、名人佳句 優美英文處處在你我身邊 一次一句,增進英文實力!   每天,我們應該聽一首小曲、讀一首好詩、看一幅優美畫作,如果可能,講幾句有見識的話。─德國大文豪歌德   “Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible

words.”-by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe   今天影響你的一句話是什麼?   從賞析經典英文小說、電影、名人、歌曲的一句話,提升人生智慧、拓展國際視野,體驗文字之美,一次一句,增進英文實力!   金鐘獎得主、英美文學專家陳超明教授精挑細選的一句話,讓我們跨越英美文學的門檻,進入經典的文字世界,咀嚼人生的大智慧。   《飢餓遊戲》、《少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流》、《蜘蛛人》、《悲慘世界》、《雷神索爾》、《派特的幸福劇本》、《春風化雨》、《福爾摩斯》……,由眾多經典名言佳句中,洗滌心靈,培養人生智慧。   《一句英文看天下》精采內容:   總共收錄 10

0 句名言佳句   精選自膾炙人口的電影、經典及當代小說、戲劇、音樂劇、歌曲、詩、散文、廣告等各領域   每篇佳句均有中文翻譯、單字解析、陳超明教授的精采導讀賞析   利用優美句子,學英文句型、單字   學好英文,同時領略句中的人生智慧、處世之道、領導風範、未來規劃   「一句話」擷取自以下豐富題材:   電影   《冰雪奇緣》、《蜘蛛人 2》、《亞果出任務》、《鋼鐵人 3》、《派特的幸福劇本》、《闇黑無界:星際爭霸戰》、《超人:鋼鐵英雄》、《P.S. 我愛你》、《騎士出任務》、《環太平洋》、《美國隊長 2》、《少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流》、《春風化雨》、《地球過後》、《雷神索爾 2》、《福爾

摩斯 2:詭影遊戲》、《偷書賊》……   小說   《最後一封情書》、《羊毛記》、《米德鎮》、《蒼蠅王》、《科學怪人》、《天真》、《遠大前程》、「傑克‧李奇」系列小說、《艾瑪》、《簡愛》、艾西莫夫《基地》系列、《老人與海》……   戲劇、音樂劇   莎士比亞戲劇《皆大歡喜》、《馬克白》   音樂劇《愛無止盡》、《悲慘世界》、《夢幻騎士》、《西貢小姐》   散文   亨利‧梭羅〈湖濱散記〉、查爾斯‧蘭姆〈舊瓷器〉、愛倫‧波〈詩的原則〉、法蘭西斯‧培根〈論學習〉、瓦特‧裴特《鑑賞》、約翰‧紐曼《大學的理念》、托爾斯泰《小冊子》……   詩   彌爾頓《失樂園》、史詩《奧德賽》、濟慈〈秋頌〉

、佛洛斯特〈雪夜中林外駐足〉、雪萊〈變〉、惠特曼《草葉集》、威廉‧布萊克〈毒樹〉、濟慈〈快樂的英格蘭〉、拜倫〈她在美中行走〉、丁尼生〈老鷹〉……   歌曲   克莉絲汀‧阿奎萊拉 “Fighter”、席琳狄翁 “That’s the Way It Is”、Bruno Mars “Just the Way You are”、地下天堂 “The Price We Pay”   名人佳句   比爾‧柯林頓、西默斯‧希尼、愛倫‧佩基 作者簡介 陳超明   英美文學教授,兩屆金鐘獎得主,堅持每天閱讀—題材廣泛而深入的閱讀。   曾著引領台灣英語學習革命觀念書-《英語即戰力》、《全球英語實戰

力》。所著《全球英語文法》、《一生必讀的英文小說》、《一生必學的英文寫作》等書,蟬連各大語言學習暢銷排行榜。   近年來至全省校園、公家機關指導英語學習改革、師資培訓、提倡閱讀訓練,是極為難得學術界以及業界都推崇的英語教授。   現任:   實踐大學應用外語系講座教授   政治大學英文系兼任教授   台灣全球化教育推廣協會理事長   漢聲電台「文學之夜」節目製作主持   經歷:   政大英文系系主任   政大英文系教授   政大外語學院院長   政大公企中心主任   個人網站:   www.englishforlife.com.tw 前言 “A little lear

ning is a dangerous thing / Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.” “An Essay on Criticism”〈論批評〉, Alexander Pope 亞歷山大‧波普 “After all you put me through / You'd think I despise you / But in the end, I wanna thank you / 'Cause you make me that much stronger.” “Fighter”〈鬥士〉, Christina Aguilera 克莉絲

汀‧阿奎萊拉 “All of life is an act of letting go, but what hurts the most is not taking a moment to say goodbye.” Life of Pi 《少年 Pi 的奇幻漂流》(改編自楊・馬泰爾 Yann Martal 的同名小說) “All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players; they have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time pla

ys many parts....” As You Like It《皆大歡喜》, William Shakespeare 威廉‧莎士比亞 “Although they have the teeth to tear, it is by swish of tail and yearning eyes that they most easily get what they want.” Innocence《天真》, Dean Koontz 丁‧昆士 “Ask yourself whether you are happy, and you cease to be so.” “Autobiography

”〈自傳〉, John Stuart Mill 約翰‧斯圖爾特‧米爾 “Ask yourself: What would you sacrifice for what you believe?” Thor: The Dark World《雷神索爾 2:黑暗世界》 “Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.” Paradise Lost〈失樂園〉, John Milton 約翰‧密爾頓 “Boys, you must strive to find your own voice.” Dead Poets Society《春風化雨》 “The ch

oice was put in your hands for a reason.” Noah《諾亞方舟》 “Danger is very real, but fear is a choice.” After Earth《地球過後》 “Diversity of opinion about a work of art shows that the work is new, complex, and vital.” The Picture of Dorian Gray《道林‧格雷的畫像》, Oscar Wilde 奧斯卡‧王爾德 “Do you hear the people sing, singi

ng a song of angry men?” Les Miserables《悲慘世界》(改編自 Victor Hugo 雨果的同名小說) “Doubt of any sort cannot be removed except by Action.” Sartor Resartus〈衣服的哲學〉, Thomas Carlyle 湯瑪斯‧卡萊爾 “Dreamers look up at the sky; doers keep their feet on the ground. In a world of hustle and bustle, you see the most beautiful

scene; you are the doer of dreams.” Mercedes Benz 賓士廣告 “Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself.” Walden《湖濱散記》, Henry David Thoreau 亨利‧大衛‧梭羅 “For it was certainly an abominable injustice to drown a man who had worked

so hard, so hard.” The Open Boat《海上扁舟》, Stephen Crane 斯蒂芬‧克萊恩 “For the literary architecture, if it is to be rich and expressive, involves not only foresight of the end in the beginning, but also development or growth of design, in the process of execution, with many irregularities, surprises, and a

fterthoughts.” Appreciations《鑑賞》, Walter Horatio Pater 瓦特.荷瑞修‧裴特 “The future belongs to those who know where they belong.” Divergent《分歧者》 “The greatest poet hardly knows pettiness or triviality.” Leaves of Grass《草葉集》序言, Walt Whitman 華特‧惠特曼 “Happy is England! I could be content / To see no other verd

ure than its own; / To feel no other breezes than are blown / Through its tall woods with high romances blent; / Yet do I sometimes feel a languishment / For skies Italian,...?” “Happy is England”〈快樂的英格蘭〉, John Keats 約翰‧濟慈 “He watches from his mountain walls, and like a thunderbolt he falls.” “The E

agle”〈老鷹〉, Alfred Tennyson 愛佛德‧丁尼生 “Heaven knows we need never be ashamed of our tears, for they are rain upon the blinding dust of earth, overlying our hard hearts.” Great Expectations《偉大前程》, Charles Dickens 查爾斯.狄更斯 “A human being in perfection ought always to preserve a calm and peaceful mind, and

never to allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his tranquility.” Frankenstein《科學怪人》, Mary Shelley 瑪莉‧雪萊 “I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun.” The Hunger Games《飢餓遊戲》, Suzanne Collins 蘇珊‧柯林斯 “I believe there's a hero in all of us that keeps us honest, gives us s

trength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride,...” Spider-Man 2《蜘蛛人 2》 “I griev’d when summer days were gone; / No more I’ll grieve; for Winter here / Hath pleasure gardens of his own.” “Grasmere - A Fragment”〈葛拉斯湖畔-片段〉, Dorothy Wordsworth 桃若絲‧華茲華斯 “I have no idea what I am suppos

ed to do; I just know what I can do.” Star Trek: Into the Darkness《闇黑無界:星際爭霸戰》 “I only know how to fix things.” Wool《羊毛記》, Huge Howey 休‧豪依 “I think of everything everyone did for me and I feel like a very lucky guy.” The Silver Linings Playbook《派特的幸福劇本》(改編自 Matthew Quick 馬修・奎克的同名小說) “I wanted to dam

age every man in the place, and every woman—and not in their bodies or in their estate, but in their vanity—the place where feeble and foolish people are most vulnerable.” The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg《敗壞海德雷鎮的人》, Mark Twain 馬克‧吐溫 “I was angry with my friend; I told my wrath, my wrath did end.” A

Poison Tree〈毒樹〉, William Blake 威廉.布萊克 “I wish from my heart it may do so for many and many a long year to come-- the tradition of genuine warm-hearted courteous Irish hospitality, which our forefathers have handed down to us and which we must hand down to our descendants, is still alive among us.”

The Dead《往生者》, James Joyce 詹姆斯‧喬艾斯 “I’ll give you a million things I’ll never own; I’ll give you a world to conquer when you’re grown.” Miss Saigon《西貢小姐》, Claude-Michel Schonberg 克勞德-米謝‧荀伯格、Alain Boublil 亞倫‧鲍理爾 “I’m nothing like the immortal gods who rule the skies, either in build or breeding; I’m

just a mortal man.” Oddyssey〈奧德賽〉, Homer 荷馬 “If I cannot carry forests on my back, / Neither can you crack a nut.” “Fable”〈寓言〉, Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉爾夫‧沃爾多‧愛默生 “If you’re constantly looking down at your phone, you’re not looking at the world around you.” Jack Reacher Novel Series「傑克李奇」偵探系列小說,  Lee C

hild 李‧查德 “In a cold night / There will be no fair fight.” Hunger Game 2: Catching Fire《飢餓遊戲 2:星火燎原》主題曲 “We Remain”〈屹立不搖〉 “In all negotiations of difficulty, a man may not look to sow and reap at once, but must prepare business, and so ripen it by degrees.” “Of Negotiating”〈論談判〉, Francis Bacon 法蘭西斯‧

培根 “In my religion, we're taught that every living thing, every leaf, every bird, is only alive because it contains the secret word for life.” The Book Thief《偷書賊》(改編自 Markus Zusak 馬克斯‧蘇薩克的同名小說) “In order to fight monsters, we create monsters of our own.” Pacific Rim《環太平洋》 “In the end, when it's over

, all that matters is what you've done.” Alexander《亞歷山大帝》 “An intellectual is a man who says a simple thing in a difficult way; an artist is a man who says a difficult thing in a simple way.” “Notes of a Dirty Old Man”《髒老頭的筆記》, Charles Bukowski 查理‧布考斯基 “It is funny how some distance makes everything

seem small.” Frozen《冰雪奇緣》 “It is the education which gives a man a clear conscious view of his own opinions and judgments, a truth in developing them, an eloquence in expressing them, and a force in urging them.” “The Idea of a University”〈大學的理念〉, John Newman 約翰‧紐曼 “It is very difficult for the pro

sperous to be humble.” Emma 《艾瑪》, Jane Austen 珍.奧斯汀 “It sometimes happens that what you feel is not returned for one reason or another—but that does not make your feeling less valuable and good.” “Steinbeck: A Life in Letters”〈史坦貝克:書信人生〉, John Steinbeck 約翰‧史坦貝克 “But it was not only the earth that sh

ook for us: the air around and above us was alive and signalling too.” 諾貝爾文學獎的得獎感言, Seamus Heaney 西默斯‧希尼 “It’s hard to find someone with shared experience.” Captain America: The Winter Solider《美國隊長 2:酷寒戰士》 “Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.” Jane Ey

re《簡愛》, Charlotte Bronte 夏洛蒂.勃朗特 “Love comes to those who believe it.” “That’s the Way It Is”〈就是這樣的方式〉, Celine Dion 席琳‧狄翁 “Love gives you pleasure. And love brings you pain. And yet, when both are gone, love will still remain.” “Love Never Dies”《歌劇魅影 2:愛無止盡》, Andrew Lloyd Webb 安德烈‧洛依‧韋伯 “A man can b

e destroyed but not defeated.” The Old Man and the Sea《老人與海》, Ernest Hemingway 海明威 “Man’s yesterday may ne'er be like his morrow / Nought may endure but Mutability” “Mutability”〈變〉, Percy Bysshe Shelley 波希‧必希‧雪萊 “Nearly all aircraft accidents are the results of a sequence of events. We call it a cas

cade.” Airframe《最高危機》, Michael Crichton 麥可‧克萊頓 “O Lady! We receive but what we give.” “Dejection: An Ode”〈沮喪:一首頌歌〉, Samuel Taylor Coleridge 山姆‧泰勒‧科勒律治 “And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, / So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, / The smiles that win, the tints that glow, / But tell of days in goodness

spent.” “She Walks in Beauty”〈她在美中行走〉, Lord Byron 羅德‧拜倫 “One Law for the Lion and Ox is Oppression.” “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell”〈天堂與地獄的結合〉, William Blake 威廉・布雷克 “The only means of strengthening one's intellect is to make up one's mind about nothing - to let the mind be a thoroughfare for all t

houghts.” 寫給弟弟 George Keats 的書信, John Keats 約翰.濟慈 “The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can’t find them, make them.” Mrs. Warren’s Profession《華倫太太的職業》, Bernard Shaw 蕭伯納 “President Lincoln’s struggle to abolish slavery re

minds us that enduring progress is forged in a cauldron of both principle and compromise.” Bill Clinton in the Golden Globe Award 2013(柯林頓在 Golden Globe Award 2013 金球獎頒獎典禮的一句話), Bill Clinton 比爾‧柯林頓 “Pride, where wit fails, steps in to our defense, / And fills up all the mighty void of sense.” “An Es

say on Criticism”〈論批評〉, Alexander Pope 亞歷山大‧波普 “The saddest people I've ever met in life are the ones who don't care deeply about anything at all.” Dear John《最後一封情書》, Nicolas Sparks 尼可拉斯‧史派克 “Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.” Twelfth Night《第十二夜》,

William Shakespeare 威廉‧莎士比亞 “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” “Of Studies”〈論學習〉, Francis Bacon 法蘭西斯.培根 “Someday' is a dangerous word; it is really just a code for 'never'.” Day and Night《騎士出任務》 “Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find The

e sitting careless on a granary floor,...” “To Autumn”〈秋頌〉, John Keats 約翰‧濟慈 “Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be.” Great Expectations《遠大前程》, Charles Dickens 查爾斯‧狄更斯 “That pleasure which is at once the most pure, the most el

evating, and the most intense is derived, I maintain, from the contemplation of the beautiful.” “Poetic Principle”〈詩的原則〉, Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加‧愛倫‧坡 “Travelers we are, in this journey of memory. Aboard together we might be, and get off at different times. Still, memory lingers.” Kingston 微電影廣告  “But t

here are limits to what even you can do, Captain, or did Erskine tell you otherwise?” Captain America: The First Avenger《美國隊長》 “There are no pacts between lions and men.” Troy 《特洛依:木馬屠城》(改編自 Homer's Iliad 荷馬史詩《伊里亞德》) “And these vicissitudes tell best in youth; / For when they happen at a riper age,

/ People are apt to blame the Fates,...” Don Juan《唐璜》, Lord Byron 羅德‧拜倫 “They taught me the meaning of loyalty that you should never forget anyone that you’ve loved.” Hachiko: A Dog’s Tale《忠犬小八》 “A thing was worth buying then, when we felt the money that we paid for it.” “Old China”〈舊瓷器〉, Charles La

mb 查爾斯‧蘭姆 “...this and that man, and this and that body of men, all over the country, are beginning to assert and put in practice an Englishman’s right to do what he likes; his right to march where he likes, meet where he likes, enter where he likes, hoot as he likes, threaten as he likes, smash as

he likes. All this, I say, tends to anarchy.” “Culture and Anarchy”〈文化與無政府〉, Matthew Arnold 馬修‧阿諾 “And this gray spirit yearning in desire / To follow knowledge like a sinking star, / Beyond the utmost bound of human thought.” “Ulysses”〈尤里西斯〉, Alfred Tennyson 愛佛德‧丁尼生 “This is my quest, to follow tha

t star / No matter how hopeless, no matter how far / To be willing to give when there's no more to give / To be willing to die so that honor and justice may live.” “The Impossible Dream”〈不可能的夢〉(Man of La Mancha《夢幻騎士》主題曲,改編自《唐吉訶德》小說) “this world would be a whole lot better if we just made an effort t

o be less horrible to one another . . . ; if we took just five minutes to recognize each other’s beauty instead of attacking each other for our differences.” Ellen Page 愛倫.佩基 “To me the meanest flower that blows can give thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.” “Ode: Intimations of Immortalit

y”〈詩頌:靈魂不朽之提示〉, William Wordsworth 威廉‧華茲華斯 “Universal History, the history of what man has accomplished in this world, is at bottom the History of the Great Men who have worked here.” On Heroes, Hero-Worship and the Heroic in History《英雄與英雄崇拜》, Thomas Carlyle 湯馬斯・卡萊爾 “Violence is the last refuge of t

he incompetent.” Foundation《基地》, Isaac Asimov 以撒‧艾西莫夫 “We are all patchworks, and so shapeless and diverse in composition that each bit, each moment plays its own game.” Essais《隨筆集》, Michel De Montaigne 米歇爾‧德‧蒙泰涅 “We are responsible for these people.” Argo 《亞果出任務》 “We create our own demons.” Iron Ma

n 3《鋼鐵人 3》 “We don't realize what a privilege it is to grow old with someone.” P.S. I Love You《P.S. 我愛你》(改編自 Cecelia Ahern 西西莉亞‧艾亨的同名小說) “We're up on a roll and it’s taking a toll / But it's too late to stop now.” “The Price We Pay”〈我們付出的代價〉, 搖滾樂團 Heaven’s Basement「地下天堂」 “What do we live for, if it

is not to make life less difficult to each other?” Middlemarch《米德鎮》, George Eliot 喬治‧愛略特 “What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society had intended?” Man of Steel《超人:鋼鐵英雄》 “Whatever I have tried to do in life, I have tried with all my heart to do well.” David Copperfield《塊肉餘

生錄》, Charles Dickens 查爾斯‧狄更斯 “When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change ‘cause you’re amazing, just the way you are.” “Just the Way You Are”〈就是你原本的樣子〉, Bruno Mars 布魯諾‧馬爾斯 “Why should a foolish marriage vow, / which long ago was made, / Oblige us to each other now, When passion is

decayed?” Marriage a la Mod 《婚姻時尚》,  John Dryden 約翰‧德萊頓 “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood / Clean from my hand?” Macbeth《馬克白》, William Shakespeare 威廉‧莎士比亞 “The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep.” “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”〈雪夜中林外駐足〉Robert Frost 羅伯

特‧佛洛斯特 “The world, that understandable and lawful world, was slipping away.” Lord of the Flies《蒼蠅王》, William Golding 威廉‧高汀 “Yes! Thank God; human feeling is like the mighty rivers that bless the earth: it does not wait for beauty—it flows with resistless force and brings beauty with it.” Adam Bede《亞

當‧比德》, George Eliot 喬治‧愛略特 “And yet in our world everybody thinks of changing the humanity, and nobody thinks of changing himself.” “Three Methods of Reform” in Pamphlets《小冊子》, Leo Tolstoy 烈夫‧托爾思泰 “You can wipe out an entire generation, you can burn their homes to the ground, and somehow they’ll sti

ll find their way back.” Monuments Men《大尋寶家》 “You choose losers because that's what you think you deserve and that's why you'll never have a better life.” Blue Jasmine《藍色茉莉》 “You have the grand gift of silence, Watson; it makes you quite invaluable as a companion.” Sherlock Holmes《福爾摩斯》 前言   閱讀一首詩

,看一場電影或是聽一首歌,有時在剎那間,就是那麼簡單的一句話觸動了我們心靈。《一句英文看天下》就是在這種感動中產生的。   不管是東方哲學家,如孔孟,或是西方智者,如蘇格拉底或柏拉圖,留給我們的智慧,大都存在一些精采話語,有時就是短短的一句話。   這一句話啟發了某個學者、某個思想家、某個領導人物、某個企業大老,給他們靈感、給他們智慧,開創不同的時代,也啟動人類的文明。讓我們觀天下、治天下,就從這一句話開始!   幾年前的中午,跟當時聯合報的羅國俊總編輯(現在的聯合晚報社長)聚餐,他提到一句話的力量。經過一、兩年的沈澱與思索,在當時教育版的孫榮華組長協助下,醞釀了聯合報教育版「一句話看天

下」的專欄,感謝當時羅總編輯與孫組長的提點。   這個專欄持續了將近兩年,每週日晚上交稿,幾乎毀掉這兩年週末的悠閒。從「想到那一句話」到「動筆寫下自己的感想」,內心總是衝突不斷:應該要回應時事?批判社會?創造新思維?提供多元看法?純美學或文學解析?亦或是語言分析與學習?總是到了星期日晚上交稿的時間逼近,才沈澱下來,接近午夜時分,才敲完電腦鍵盤。   這兩年重讀了不少作品、看了不少電影、聽了不少歌。一點一滴地幫助自己建構對外在環境的一些觀點與看法。感謝這些藝術家、文學家與哲學家,給我這兩年的心靈洗禮。   要將這些短篇集結成冊,有如跟「這兩年」說再見!心中壓力頓時解開,但是內心也充滿不捨。

狄更斯曾說,任何小說都是他的「小孩」,一個個小孩出生、長大、離家,都是不捨的過程。現在的我,就看著這個「小孩」即將長大(應該是女兒,爸爸都比較疼女兒),有些喜悅,也有些感傷。   感謝聯合報教育組召集人薛荷玉的督促與校稿指正,感謝聯經出版的李芃的細心讀稿,催生這本書。   《一句英文看天下》隱含了自己一生的文學思維,也拼貼出近年來的人生看法。與大家分享細心呵護的小孩,希望大家好好照顧她! 陳超明 07“Ask yourself: What would you sacrifice for what you believe?”問問你自己:為你所相信的一切,你願意犧牲什麼?Thor: T

he Dark World《雷神索爾 2:黑暗世界》sacrifice 犧牲例:We are all ready to sacrifice our holidays for this science project.(我們都準備要犧牲假期,來完成這個科學計畫。)believe 相信例:Many people believe that education is the only way to change.(許多人相信,教育是改變的唯一方法。)這句話出自電影《雷神索爾2:黑暗世界》(Thor: The Dark World,2013)。影片中的黑暗精靈 Malekith 為了將世界化成黑暗,願意

做出所有的犧牲。這部電影延續雷神索爾第一集的善惡之爭:黑暗與光明的爭鬥。代表黑暗勢力的 Malekith 在上次的爭鬥中輸了,然而,邪惡永遠不死,光明再度面臨挑戰。這種西方文化的正邪之爭,從聖經上的上帝與撒旦而來,經常成為好萊塢電影的老梗主題。光明世界代表次序與人類的生存,而黑暗則是邪惡暴力,代表滅絕與死亡。然而正與邪、光明與黑暗,就是這麼簡單可以劃分嗎?在這一集裡,男主角索爾(Thor)放棄個人恩怨,與野心勃勃的弟弟洛基(Loki)合作,對抗有史以來最大的毀滅力量 Malekith。有趣的是,Makekith 真是惡靈嗎?電影一開始就點出,其實黑暗的力量,早就存在於宇宙誕生之前。Makeki

th 黑暗勢力,只不過是恢復過去的混沌世紀。此外,索爾竟然也喚起邪惡弟弟的善念,來聯手對付更大的邪惡。這種善惡混淆的複雜觀念,也出現在片中的撒旦角色 Malekith 身上。該片最有名的一句台詞,也隱含本片主題,竟然出自 Malekith 口中,當他必須贏回黑暗世界,他必須付出所有代價:“Ask yourself: What would you sacrifice for what you believe?”(問問你自己:為你所相信的一切,你願意犧牲什麼?)。英雄來自犧牲,Malekith 似乎也是某種程度的英雄?這個問題似乎也針對男主角索爾:“你願意付出一切,來拯救九大天界(nine rea



為了解決hard off海德沃福的問題,作者李佳珊 這樣論述:

冷戰結束至21世紀初期,出現新的國際安全局勢和挑戰,最大的威脅是國家內部的族群衝突、內戰或是政府失靈所造成的人道災難,「新干預主義」便是在這樣的背景下興起。 然而,國際干預的行動中,聯合國介入的程度卻有所不同,例如:科索沃事件中,國際派駐軍隊介入;反觀,敘利亞內戰,在聯合國會議上,卻因為中俄行使否決權,而避開聯合國的干預行動。因此,聯合國是否干預一國之人道危機事件,必然受到某些因素影響。 本文為進一步探討為什麼聯合國不能平等對待所有被干預國家? 聯合國安理會在實行新干預主義方面有哪些局限性?本文從1990~2019年聯合國干預國際違反人權事件中,挑選20個發生重大人道危機之國家為研究

對象,以自由主義與現實主義兩大理論為研究途徑,提出六項影響國際干預之因素,分別為「自由主義」主張道德因素之「人道危機嚴重程度」以及「現實主義」所言權力與利益因素之「被干預國國力」、「被干預國軍事對抗力」、「被干預國與安理會常任理事國之軍售關係」、「被干預國與安理會常任理事國之經貿關係」、「國家形象、輿論」。本文假設上述因素皆會影響國際干預行動,然而程度卻有差異,為探究六項因素孰輕孰重,本文以模糊質性比較分析法(fsQCA)進行「量化」統計,以圖表呈現,同時輔以「質性」描述,藉此分析聯合國安理會在進行國際干預前,面對各項影響因素,其考量之優先順序為何?當兩利相權時何者為重?何者為輕? 研究結
