investigated中文的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括價格和評價等資訊懶人包

investigated中文的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦LeeHur-Li寫的 Intellectual Activism in Knowledge Organization:A Hermeneutic Study of the Seven Epitomes 和Connelly, Michael的 Trunk Music都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

這兩本書分別來自國立臺灣大學出版中心 和所出版 。

國立成功大學 材料科學及工程學系 陳立輝、呂傳盛所指導 曾鴻傑的 AZ31鎂合金高溫拉伸之變形破壞特性探討 (2000),提出investigated中文關鍵因素是什麼,來自於鎂合金、高溫拉伸。

而第二篇論文國立成功大學 化學工程學系 陳雲所指導 黃毓毅的 含吩發光基高分子的製備及電化學性質探討 (2000),提出因為有 吩、1、3、4-噁二唑、發冷光的重點而找出了 investigated中文的解答。



Intellectual Activism in Knowledge Organization:A Hermeneutic Study of the Seven Epitomes

為了解決investigated中文的問題,作者LeeHur-Li 這樣論述:

  Chinese bibliography has a long history and tradition of its own, going back two millennia. It resembles critical bibliography, incorporates key features of today’s library cataloging and classification (a branch of enumerative bibliography), and shares significant common ground with int

ellectual history. This rich bibliographic tradition has not intersected with other traditions and is known only to scholars of Chinese bibliography, intellectual history, and classical studies. In the field of knowledge organization, it is a virtual unknown and, thus, presents excellent opportuniti

es for research.   Intellectual Activism in Knowledge Organization is an interdisciplinary analysis of the Chinese bibliographic tradition written for a wide audience. In particular, the study investigates the classification applied in the Seven Epitomes《七略》, the first library catalog on record in

Chinese history, completed a few years before the Common Era. It is important to study this classification, which is said to have established the model for the entire Chinese bibliographic tradition, where classification has always been an integral part and the sole mechanism for organization. While

influential, neither the classificatory principles nor the structure of the classification are well understood. In the book, Lee Hur-Li conducts a hermeneutic study of three main aspects of the classification: the classification’s epistemology, its overall classificatory mechanics, and its concept

of author as an organizing element. Taking a socio-epistemological approach, the study applies an analytical framework to the examination of the classification in its proper social, cultural, historical, and technological contexts. Lee concludes by summarizing the major achievements of the classific

ation and articulating implications of the findings for various disciplines. 名人推薦   Hur-Li Lee provides an important contribution to the field of knowledge organization. She investigated the first book catalog on record from ancient China—the Seven Epitomes—and exposed the cultural, political, and

epistemological engines that produced the principles for its organization. She discovered that some of the principles applied in present-day book classification were already created in Chinese antiquity. Though it is an investigation of a historical object from a distant civilization, her study off

ers insights relevant to knowledge and knowledge organization across time and culture. The book is written in a jargon-free and flowing language and would be of interest to librarians, information scientists, intellectual historians, and Chinese scholars. ――Raya Fidel, Professor Emerita, Information

School, University of Washington   The Seven Epitomes (Qilue, 《七略》) is the first Chinese classic in the discipline of bibliography, and as such, it has piqued the interest of many Chinese scholars over the last few decades. Although this bibliography is vital to understanding classical Chinese lit

erature, there are no English scholarly works that systematically analyze it. Intellectual Activism in Knowledge Organization is a significant investigation into this often neglected area and provides new insights into this classic. From the perspective of knowledge organization, the book contribute

s to Chinese bibliography a new theoretical framework that goes beyond the conventional approaches of literary canonization and philosophy. Furthermore, it is a milestone study detailing the historical development of Chinese thought from the Warring States period to the Han dynasty.――Chon-chit Tang,

Associate Professor of Department of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Macau  


為了解決investigated中文的問題,作者曾鴻傑 這樣論述:

本研究探討溫度及應變速率效應對AZ31商用鎂合金高溫拉伸之變形破壞特性的影響。將AZ31鎂合金於室溫至500C之間,改變初始應變速率從8.0x10-4s-1~2.6x10-2s-1條件下,進行拉伸試驗。 根據拉伸試驗結果可知,於測試溫度範圍之間,除了室溫之外,其他試片之工程應力-應變曲線均有鋸齒狀抖動的現象。試片的流變應力單調的隨溫度升高而降低,流變應力與應變速率之依存性顯示為正相關性的關係。試片的總延伸率隨溫度的上升而增加,而與應變速率之依存性顯示為負相關的關係。AZ31鎂合金試片之最佳總延伸率發生於8.0x10-4s-1,450C條件下,約為180%左右,此條件之

應變速率敏感化指數(m值)約為0.45。此外,試片之均勻延伸率與加工硬化指數(n值)之關係也於本研究中被探討。 拉伸破斷面特徵均為典型延性破壞之酒渦狀組織。其中值得注意的是,延性較佳之試片於斷面附近可觀察到特殊的抽絲現象。另外,根據拉伸破斷面次表面特徵之觀察結果,高溫變形後之晶粒組織係為等軸狀,斷面附近的晶粒組織於200~350C之間,較原材晶粒組織微細,而於400~500C之間的晶粒組織則明顯較原材晶粒組織粗大。此外,在高溫變形之後,不僅可觀察到晶界析出物消失及晶粒內析出物出現的時機,亦可觀察到變形雙晶、硬質介在物顆粒與基地界面剝離、及晶界偏移等現象。

Trunk Music

為了解決investigated中文的問題,作者Connelly, Michael 這樣論述:

  榮獲美國愛倫坡獎的推理小說家麥可.康納利,繼受到高度好評的作品《詩人》(The Poet)登上《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜後,再度推出以鮑許警探為主角的作品《後車箱輓歌》,被讚譽為鮑許警探系列最震撼人心的作品——不僅故事劇情張力十足、錯綜複雜,也奠定了康納利當今作為犯罪小說家的地位。      哈瑞.鮑許警探重返工作崗位,負責偵辦引起多方關注的好萊塢謀殺案。一名電影製作人遭棄屍於勞斯萊斯座車的後車箱裡,在鮑許看來,一切證據似乎均指向為黑手黨的殺人手法。隨著追查死者金錢動向從洛城追到賭城,鮑許決心偵辦到底,然而在過程中卻不斷樹敵。彷彿困難還不夠似地,鮑許決定押上最高的賭注——愛情。偵辦刑案之中又

摻進私人的情感,讓放手一搏的鮑許一度因著迷分神而漸漸步入典型的賭城危險……。      「劇情跌宕起伏……康納利成功營造出貧富之間的拉扯……。故事結尾有令人意想不到的發展,必能滿足日漸廣大的讀者。」——《華盛頓郵報》(The Washington Post)      「期待劇情轉折比輪盤更為精彩的讀者,《後車箱輓歌》是必贏的賭注。」——《時人雜誌》(People)   ---中文簡介擷取自中譯本《後車箱輓歌》,聯經出版 Back on the job after an involuntary leave of absence, LAPD homicide detective Harry B

osch is ready for a challenge -- but a murderous Las Vegas crime ring might prove to be more than he bargained for. It starts with the body of a Hollywood producer in the trunk of a Rolls-Royce, shot twice in the head at close range - what looks like "trunk music," a Mafia hit. But the LAPD's orga

nized crime unit is curiously uninterested, and when Harry follows a trail of gambling debts to Las Vegas, the case suddenly becomes more complex - and much more personal. A rekindled romance with an old girlfriend opens new perspectives on the murder, and he begins to glimpse a shocking triangle

of corruption and collusion. Yanked off the case, Harry himself is soon the one being investigated. But only a bullet can stop Harry when he's searching for the truth . . . 作者簡介 麥可.康納利(Michael Connelly)      1957年生於東岸費城附近,1980從佛羅里達大學畢業,主修是新聞學,副修文學創作,之後曾於《洛杉磯時報》主跑犯罪新聞。洛杉磯工作三年後,康納利決定開始著手創作,更從新聞記者搖

身變為推理大師。他的第一部小說《黑暗回聲》(The Black Echo)發表於1992年,故事根據洛杉磯一宗罪案改寫而成,不但贏得美國偵探小說最高榮譽愛倫坡大獎(Edgar Awards),奠定其在文壇的地位,也帶出一系列以警探哈瑞.鮑許(Harry Bosch)為主角的作品,包括著名的《黑冰》(The Black Ice),《水泥中的金髮女子》(The Concrete Blonde)和《最後的美洲狼》(The Last Coyote)。      而康納利亦寫了多部單本、非系列的偵探作品,如《詩人》(The Poet,1996)、《血型拼圖》(Blood Work,1998)、《殘缺之月

》(Void Moon,2000),成為本本銷量都驚人的歐美暢銷排行榜長駐作家,並且得獎連連,一舉拿下國際具有份量的推理文學獎項,包括美國安東尼大獎(Anthony Awards)、尼羅.吳爾夫獎(Nero Wolfe Award)、麥克維提獎(Macavity Award)等,還有法、英、日等獎項,目前仍創作不輟。其中《血型拼圖》於2002年被改拍成電影,由克林.伊斯威特執導和主演。此外,康納利亦曾擔任美國推理作家協會2003、2004年主席,作品已有全球數十種語言譯本,現居佛州。


為了解決investigated中文的問題,作者黃毓毅 這樣論述:

摘要 本研究主要目標是合成主鏈含交互孤立發光基團(2,5-Distyryl- thiophene)及電子傳遞基團(Aromatic 1,3,4-oxadiazole)之新型高分子,探討導入非線性吩基團及噁二唑基團對高分子溶解性、光學性質及電化學性質的影響,最後並做成元件觀察其發光特性。 研究中具電子傳遞功能的單體是使用[2,5-Bis-(4-fluorophenyl)- 1,3,4-oxadiazole]和2-[4-(2,5-dibromomethylphenoxy)phenyl]-5-benzoyl- 1,3,

4-oxadiazole,在噁二唑活化下進行親核取代反應合成芳香醚雙醛單體(16、17),最後再利用Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons反應進行縮合聚合,合成主鏈含吩與1,3,4噁二唑電子傳遞基的高分子(P1),和主鏈含吩與側鏈含1,3,4-噁二唑基的高分子(P2)。所合成的P1與P2有很好的熱穩定性,其熱裂解溫度均在345℃以上,由DSC分析可顯示出高分子有較高的Tg。由高分子的發光和吸收波長顯示其為綠光發光材料(520~540 nm)以及譜帶間隙為2.57~2.58 eV,UV/Vis光譜中出現二個吸收峰,分別為主鏈共軛的π—π*及芳香族噁二唑的吸收。由循環伏安(CV)量測證

實將高陰電性噁二唑基團導入主鏈含吩之衍生物,可以降低HOMO和LUMO的能階,平衡電子及電洞注入的能障。以P1製作單層ITO/P1/Al元件,起始電壓約為15 V,當操作電壓為20.2 V時,最大光強度為6.6 cd / m2;以P2製作單層元件其起始電壓約為17 V,最大光強度可達2.4 cd / m2;以P2製作單層元件其起始電壓約為13 V,最大光強度可達5.6 cd / m2。