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wish暖氣的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦Hope Jahren寫的 Lab Girl 可以從中找到所需的評價。



Lab Girl

為了解決wish暖氣的問題,作者Hope Jahren 這樣論述:

科學界的《挺身而進》 《時代雜誌》百大影響人物、美國十大傑出青年科學家驚豔全世界的堅守希望與信念之作   ★獎聲不斷,佳評如潮!勇奪2016美國國家書評獎‧傳記類首獎;2016《時代雜誌》、《紐約雜誌》非小說類選書、Amazon編輯年度選書;2017美國獨立書商年度獎決選、筆會/威爾遜文學科學寫作獎等多項讚譽。   ★2016年上市後,長踞Amazon網路書店暢銷榜‧心靈成長類TOP1、科學類TOP2。   為了今生唯一的生長機會,   種子願意等待──   「這株蓮花幼苗在中國的泥沼田裡等待了至少兩千年,人類文明起起落落的同時,這顆小小的種子一直頑強地堅守希望。……每個人都只有一次

存在的機會,每個人都是不可能卻無法避免的存在,每棵強壯的樹最初都是一顆等待的種子。」──第3章〈等待的種子〉   從科學家的獨特視角,你將見證植物不可思議的秘密,以及人類勇於挑戰未知的生命旅程!   身為美國少數主持實驗室的女科學家,荷普.潔倫不像別人以為的年少得志,而是充滿磨難:研究經費少到付不起夥伴的薪水,懷孕時躁鬱症發作,拿頭去撞牆、撞地板,醒來時臉頰滿是鼻涕和鮮血……。   這是她第一次拿起寫論文的筆,用最真誠無畏的口吻,道出植物四億年來的生存智慧、20年學術生涯中的痛苦與狂喜,字字句句發人深省、觸動心靈! 本書特色   1.進入女性科學家激勵人心的生命歷程:以充滿詩意和哲思

的文筆,精彩交織植物研究與人生經驗,揭露女科學家的真實困境,以及20年用熱情挑戰未知的故事。    2.用科學家的角度,重新聆聽植物的聲音:你可知道,樹是有童年記憶的,來自寒冷氣候的雲杉,會比來自溫暖氣候的雲杉,提早2至3週停止生長,為更長、 更冷的冬季做準備。而植物生長是有聲音的,在無風的8月天站在成排的玉米田裡,可以聽見持續不斷的沙沙聲。……。從觀察一片葉子開始,你會發現:成為科學 家,沒有大家以為的那麼複雜   本文取自商業周刊出版《樹,記得自己的童年:一位女科學家勇敢追尋生命真理的故事》   Lab Girl is a book about work and about love,

and the mountains that can be moved when those two things come together. It is told through Jahren's remarkable stories: about the discoveries she has made in her lab, as well as her struggle to get there; about her childhood playing in her father's laboratory; about how lab work became a sanctuary

for both her heart and her hands; about Bill, the brilliant, wounded man who became her loyal colleague and best friend; about their field trips - sometimes authorised, sometimes very much not - that took them from the Midwest across the USA, to Norway and to Ireland, from the pale skies of North P

ole to tropical Hawaii; and about her constant striving to do and be her best, and her unswerving dedication to her life's work.   Visceral, intimate, gloriously candid and sometimes extremely funny, Jahren's descriptions of her work, her intense relationship with the plants, seeds and soil she stu

dies, and her insights on nature enliven every page of this thrilling book. In Lab Girl, we see anew the complicated power of the natural world, and the power that can come from facing with bravery and conviction the challenge of discovering who you are.   Review   [Lab Girl] does for botany what

Oliver Sacks's essays did for neurology (Michiko Kakutani New York Times)   Some people are great writers, while other people live lives of adventure and importance. Almost no one does both. Hope Jahren does both. She makes me wish I'd been a scientist (Ann Patchett, author of State of Wonder and B

el Canto (winner of the Orange Prize))   Jahren's journey from struggling student to struggling scientist has the narrative tension of a novel and characters she imbues with real depth . . . Jahren transcends both memoir and science writing in this literary fusion of both genres (Kirkus)   Darkly

humorous, emotionally raw and exquisitely crafted (Publishers Weekly)   This title should be required reading for all budding scientists, especially young women. However being a scientist is not essential in order to savor Jahren's stories and reflections on living (Library Journal)   Deeply affec

ting . . . A belletrist in the mold of Oliver Sacks, [Jahren] is terrific at showing just how science is done . . . Jahren's writing is precise, as befits a scientist who also love words. She's an acute observer, prickly, and funny as hell . . . A totally original work, both fierce and uplifting (El

le (US))   Jahren's singular gift is her ability to convey the everyday wonder of her work: exploring the strange, beautiful universe of living things that endure and evolve and bloom all around us, if we bother to look (Entertainment Weekly)   The Jane Goodall of botany . . . I am not sure which

is more extraordinary, the plants or the woman who studies them. If the next generation of scientists have role models like Jahren, then the world of science will be better off indeed (Science)   this book is delightfully, wickedly funny. I was constantly surprised by the literary tricks this first

-time memoirist manages to pull off. With Lab Girl, Jahren has taken the form of the memoir and done something remarkable with it. She's made the experience of reading the book mimic her own lived experience in a way that few writers are capable of. It's a powerful and disarming way to tell a story,

and I admire the craft behind it. Mostly, though, I love this book for its honesty, its hilarity and its brilliant sharp edges. Jahren has some serious literary chops (Washington Post)   Leaves become elegant machines, soil is the interface between the living and the dead, and seeds, well, they ar

e transformed into the most patient and hopeful of all life forms. Jahren has such a passion for the natural world that it's hard to imagine her in any role other than her current one; a professor of geobiology at the University of Hawaii. Lab Girl is her engaging new memoir, which tells the story o

f her fight to establish and fund her own research laboratory. And it's been a fascinating journey (Lucie Green Observer)