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G HUB的問題包括Mobile01、8891、PTT,我們都能我們找到下列包括價格和評價等資訊懶人包

G HUB的問題,透過圖書和論文來找解法和答案更準確安心。 我們找到下列包括價格和評價等資訊懶人包

G HUB的問題,我們搜遍了碩博士論文和台灣出版的書籍,推薦威廉.伯恩斯坦寫的 群眾的幻覺:揭露人們在投機美夢中愈陷愈深的理由 和的 6g Mobile Wireless Networks都 可以從中找到所需的評價。

另外網站解决Logitech G HUB一直在加载问题 - 知乎专栏也說明:上面一个方法没用的话,可能是由于杀毒软件或其他优化的软件把罗技的自动更新服务关了,导致G Hub在启动的的时候一直等待服务启动。下面是解决办法:(电脑系统我改成 ...

這兩本書分別來自樂金文化 和所出版 。

國立臺北科技大學 環境工程與管理研究所 王立邦所指導 吳德懷的 利用焙燒暨酸浸法從廢棄LED晶粒中回收鎵金屬資源 (2021),提出G HUB關鍵因素是什麼,來自於發光二極體、氮化鎵、鎵、回收、焙燒、浸漬。

而第二篇論文國防醫學院 醫學科學研究所 余慕賢、張正昌所指導 蘇國銘的 透過基於基因本體之整合性分析識別卵巢上皮性腫瘤發病機轉的失調基因功能體 (2021),提出因為有 漿液性上皮性卵巢癌、卵巢清亮細胞癌、邊緣性卵巢腫瘤、基因本體、機器學習、整合性分析、補體系統、SRC基因、芳烴受體結合路徑、上皮細胞間質轉化的重點而找出了 G HUB的解答。

最後網站【官方教程】罗技G HUB下载安装使用视频| 含安装问题解决方法則補充:关于 G HUB 驱动下载安装使用的其它问题欢迎大家在评论区留言讨论, 视频播放量194094、弹幕量153、点赞数862、投硬币枚数274、收藏人数1101、转发 ...


除了G HUB,大家也想知道這些:


為了解決G HUB的問題,作者威廉.伯恩斯坦 這樣論述:

★★★《投資金律》作者威廉.伯恩斯坦最新力作★★★ ★★★《紐約書評》、《華盛頓郵報》、《泰晤士報》等各大媒體齊聲讚譽★★★ ★★★市場陷入狂熱,擦鞋童效應再現的時代,理性投資人必讀!★★★     我們為何總是盲目追隨眾人的關注焦點,做著一夜致富的美夢?   網路泡沫、安隆醜聞、次級房貸泡沫……   這些眾人趨之若鶩的投資熱潮,為何總在泡沫破滅後才看出問題?   剖析人類史上永不根絕的集體狂熱之根源!   如果你讀過查爾斯.麥凱的鉅著《異常流行幻象與群眾瘋狂》,   那你更不能錯過威廉.伯恩斯坦的最新力作──《群眾的幻覺》。     ◎什麼是群眾的

幻覺?   1842年,蘇格蘭作家查爾斯.麥凱寫出了一本驚世鉅作《異常流行幻象與群眾瘋狂》,   書中廣泛的探討了金融泡沫、宗教狂熱、集體瘋狂以及對未來的妄想等主題,   堪稱是描寫人類社會群體瘋狂現象的經典之作。   然而,這本名著只是收集了眾多歷史上的集體狂熱幻象,   藉以警惕世人,卻沒能說明這種現象的根源所在。   《投資金律》作者伯恩斯坦在此基礎上,結合神經醫學與金融歷史的專業知識,   為讀者進一步解析其中的類似之處。   伯恩斯坦注意到,金融泡沫與宗教狂熱這兩種現象,   乍看之下似乎沒有什麼相關,但其實背後卻有著同樣的追求:   「改善這

一輩子或來生的福利」(金融世界中的一夕致富與宗教的末世觀)。      因此,他在本書中,試圖探討這兩種現象(一夕致富與末世觀),並尋找出以下問題的解答:   為何人們會集體陷入幻覺,狂熱的相信某件事,即使眾多事證都告訴他們「這不是真的」?      ◎一夕致富的幻覺,為何有致命吸引力?   你或許會說,這不是廢話嗎?人人都想發財啊!   是的,我們都期盼能一夕致富,所以我們會去買彩券,幻想下一個頭獎得主就是自己。   然而,彩券只是小錢,頂多就是賠上飯錢罷了,幸運的話還能中個小獎,   比起彩券,更多人深陷在各種投資美夢之中,   舉例來說,許多人在股市

高點時,相信還會繼續漲而遲遲不肯放手,   當股價泡沫消散後落得慘賠,這種故事想必大家都耳熟能詳。   歷史上,這樣的案例也所在多有,   而且從事後諸葛的角度來看,許多人追逐的投資標的,在泡沫爆破以前,就能看出端倪,   然而在事前,儘管有人提出警告,投資人也只會置之不理,甚至加以嘲諷怒罵。      ◎再聰明的人,也會沉溺在虛假的美夢中難以自拔……   我們都認為自己聰明且有判斷力,   然而,即使再聰明的人,都可能會掉入上述的投資美夢陷阱之中。   身為專業投資人和神經醫師,伯恩斯坦發現,這種狀況其實與個人的智力無關。   即使是在科學界中地位崇高的

牛頓,也曾經因這種現象而慘賠,他甚至還曾感嘆道:   「我能計算出天體的運動,卻無法計算到人們的瘋狂。」   除了投資美夢陷阱以外,還有另一種陷阱也是局外人難以理解,   但處身其中的人卻很難醒悟,那就是對宗教的過度狂熱。   可怕的是,許多邪惡宗教用信仰名義騙取各種資源,   卻總能騙到許多信徒,讓他們甘心奉獻出個人的財物,甚至是生命。      ◎其實,都是人性弱點惹的禍……   伯恩斯坦發現,無論是投資美夢,還是狂熱信仰,   這兩者能廣泛吸引眾人的理由,都在於人性本能的弱點。   事實上,人類在本能上就傾向於追求那些高價值但又很稀缺的報償,  

 背後驅動我們的,就是我們貪婪與恐懼的本能。   我們追求快樂和美好的生活,並且對生活中一切的痛苦及不快樂感到恐懼,   為了獲得幸福、逃避痛苦,我們會不自覺的尋找最簡單輕鬆的方式。   而這正是那些有意欺騙我們的人,最容易鎖定的弱點。      弱點一:我們都喜歡聽故事   無論再怎麼不合理的陷阱,只要有個美好的故事做為包裝,   就能輕易打動人心,讓大家前仆後繼的跌入這些美好故事之中,直到不可自拔。      弱點二:我們習於自欺欺人   更可怕的是,當事情的發展不如那些騙子所說時,我們這些受騙的人,   不但無法冷靜的觀察分析現狀,甚至還會繼續自欺

欺人,想盡辦法說服自己,   拚命為自己相信的事情找出證據,讓自己繼續相信這一切。      弱點三:我們習於模仿他人   我們害怕與別人不一樣。   即使我們發現自己可能受騙,但當周遭其他人還繼續相信的時候,   我們會變得難以肯定自己的意見,於是繼續隨波逐流,沉溺在虛假的謊言之中。      弱點四:我們想和別人不同   人類是矛盾的生物,我們一邊安心於「和別人一樣」,   另一方面卻又具有尋求特定身分、地位的傾向。   我們希望能變得比別人更優秀、更偉大、更幸福,   因此當自己盲信的事物,被其他人否定時,我們會說服自己:   「這都是他們

不懂啦!只有我才懂,等我成功時,他們就會後悔了。」   於是,這讓我們更加不願意改變自己的想法。     ◎當你的大腦又想相信不切實際的陷阱時,你需要這本書!   大腦喜歡抄捷徑。即使知道人性有這些弱點,   但當聽到各種美好願景時,我們的大腦仍然會不由自主的想要相信這套說法。   無論是在哪個時代,總會出現各種蠱惑人心的「好機會」,   讓我們情不自禁的追求這些標的,   從歷史上的密西西比泡沫、鐵路泡沫,到現代的科技泡沫,無一不是如此。      本書精選出歷史上眾多因群眾幻覺而生的災難事件,   伯恩斯坦結合神經醫學與金融歷史的專業知識,  

 為讀者剖析這些大規模的盲目熱潮,背後真正的成因。   無論你是追求理性思考的投資人,還是渴望一夕致富的投機客,   讀完本書,讓你不再被「本夢比」蠱惑,戒掉無腦從眾追高的投資惡習!   本書特色     1. 徵引諸多史料文字,詳實敘述群眾如何走向瘋狂。   2. 透過譯者補充的諸多註解,讓對西方文化認識較淺的讀者也能深入理解內容。   名人推薦     「99啪的財經筆記」版主 99啪   「JC財經觀點」版主 JENNY   「Jet Lee的投資隨筆部落格」版主 Jet Lee    CFA美國特許金融分析師 安納金   台灣ET

F投資學院創辦人 李柏鋒   風傳媒財經主編 周岐原   美國金融日記創辦人 連振廷   專職投資人 陳喬泓   專業投資人 麥克風   價值投資者、財經作家 雷浩斯   年度暢銷書《人生路引》作者 楊斯棓醫師   《內在原力》作者、 TMBA 共同創辦人 愛瑞克   作家、旅行家、知名節目主持人 謝哲青   推薦書評     各界好評不斷!     「『歷史不會重複,但經常會押韻。』透過作者的帶領,讀者能洞悉過去金融泡沫與瘋狂事件的歷史,也能鑑古知今,提前對未來做好準備。」──「99啪的財經筆記」版主 99啪     「投資市場受

情緒牽引,而瘋狂在歷史中循環,理解過去讓你為未來預做準備。」──「JC財經觀點」版主 JENNY     「現在人們是在狂熱的錯覺還是正確的道路,總得在泡沫破滅後才能分辨。就讓威廉•伯恩斯坦引領我們從歷史中提早得到正確答案。」──「Jet Lee的投資隨筆部落格」版主 Jet Lee     「堅信會上漲的想法,終究會反映在股價上。數百年來,散戶就在這種美麗又危險的自我完成裡來來回回。」──風傳媒財經主編 周岐原     「在《群眾的幻覺》書中,讀者可以認識大量歷史上由心理信念衍生而成的泡沫事件。威廉.伯恩斯坦運用廣泛的歷史素材與紀錄,詳細描繪在每一次事件中群眾的投資心

理如何逐步發展成資產泡沫,而這樣的群眾特性並沒有隨時間改變。值得一讀!」──美國金融日記創辦人 連振廷     「《投資金律》作者威廉.伯恩斯坦另一力作,本書談論有關宗教及金融因大眾狂熱所帶來的巨大代價與影響,透過本書我們認識到人類的天性傾向容易受到各種各樣群眾瘋狂所害,並學會避開未來可能出現的幻影陷阱。」──專職投資人 陳喬泓     「旁徵博引,深入探究了宗教狂熱和金融泡沫的根源:人性。」──專業投資人 麥克風      「如果您不希望自己成為群眾集體瘋狂或愚蠢下的犧牲者,或要為自己短期從眾行為之後,面對殘局的內心自我撻伐,那麼此書就是一本極佳的教戰手冊。」──《內

在原力》作者、 TMBA 共同創辦人 愛瑞克     知名書評網站「文學中心」(Literary Hub)將此書選為「最受期待的書」!     「伯恩斯坦是一位訓練有素的神經科醫師,也是幾本投資書籍的作者,特別適合更新麥凱的任務,本書是對《異常流行幻象與群眾瘋狂》有價值的補充。」 ——愛德華.凱恩斯勒,《紐約書評》     「伯恩斯坦希望我們明白,人類遠沒有我們希望的那麼聰明或理性。人們很少真正對任何事情進行分析。我們不斷的編造,然後聲稱我們編造的內容是真實的。……但我們不需要民意調查來證實麥凱和伯恩斯坦的結論,即人們傾向於相信他們想相信的東西,無論確鑿的事實和冷酷的理

由是否支持他們的觀點。例如,我們知道,在11月3日,超過7400萬美國人投票選出了一位被眾多嚴肅歷史學家認定為美國歷史上最糟糕總統的人。……伯恩斯坦解釋說:『當引人入勝的敘述(例如,讓美國再次偉大)與客觀事實發生衝突時,前者往往會倖存下來,這是自古以來就詛咒人類的結果。』」——羅伯特.G.凱澤,《華盛頓郵報》     「迷人的。……伯恩斯坦是一位有趣的編年史家和這些人類缺陷的分析家。」——大衛.阿羅諾維奇,《泰晤士報》     「麥凱1841年的作品,已被投資作家威廉.伯恩斯坦為21世紀進行了出色的更新。」──《路透社》      「查爾斯.麥凱的經典著作《異常流行幻象

與群眾瘋狂》的有趣現代更新。……讀者會對伴隨著宗教改革的經常血腥的歇斯底里感到畏縮,對我們無法抗拒快速致富的計畫感到厭煩不耐,對等待1843年世界末日的廣泛美國運動嗤之以鼻——所有這些內容都使得閱讀變得令人不安又引人入勝。……本書針對「人們為什麼做蠢事」這一類型的探討,進行了經過充分研究、範圍廣泛且令人沮喪的補充。」──《柯克斯評論》     「伯恩斯坦的書是對金融和宗教狂熱的調查,其靈感來自查爾斯.麥凱的作品《異常流行幻象與群眾瘋狂》。麥凱認為人群動態是南海泡沫、十字軍東征、獵巫和煉金術等不同現象的核心。伯恩斯坦利用進化心理學和神經科學的教訓來闡明麥凱的一些觀察結果,並認為我們集體發


G HUB進入發燒排行的影片

Logicool G604

動画でもお話していますが、MacでG HUBを使用する場合は少し不安定かもしれません。



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🎥 この動画撮影時点の使用機材





為了解決G HUB的問題,作者吳德懷 這樣論述:

LED是發光二極體(Light Emitting Diode)的簡稱。由於LED燈具有節能、無汞等特性,在照明市場之需求日益增加,LED在許多領域已經取代了傳統光源(白熾燈、螢光燈等)。LED燈之高效率白光照明主要是由LED晶粒中氮化鎵(GaN)半導體所產生。隨著LED市場的擴大,未來將產生大量的LED廢棄物。因此,回收廢棄LED中所含的鎵金屬資源對於資源的可持續利用和環境保護都具有重要意義。本研究以廢棄LED燈珠為對象,利用焙燒與酸浸法從其LED晶粒中回收鎵金屬資源,主要包括三個部分:化學組成分析、氟化鈉焙燒處理與酸溶浸漬等。探討各項實驗因子包括焙燒溫度、焙燒時間、礦鹼比、酸浸漬種類及濃度

、浸漬時間、及浸漬固液比等,對於鎵金屬浸漬率之影響,並與各文獻方法所得到的鎵金屬浸漬效果進行比較。研究結果顯示,LED晶粒中含有鎵5.21 wt.%,氟化鈉焙燒暨酸溶浸漬之最佳條件為焙燒溫度900 ℃、焙燒時間3hr、礦鹼比1:6.95、鹽酸浸漬濃度0.5 M、浸漬溫度25 ℃、浸漬時間10mins、固液比2.86 g/L,鎵金屬浸漬率為98.4%。與各文獻方法相比較,本方法可於相對低溫且常壓下獲得較高之鎵金屬浸漬效果。

6g Mobile Wireless Networks

為了解決G HUB的問題,作者 這樣論述:

Dr. Yulei Wu is a Senior Lecturer with the Department of Computer Science, College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter, United Kingdom. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computing and Mathematics and B.Sc. (1st Class Hons.) degree in Computer Science from the Univer

sity of Bradford, United Kingdom, in 2010 and 2006, respectively. His expertise is on intelligent networking, and his main research interests include computer networks, networked systems, software defined networks and systems, network management, and network security and privacy. His research has be

en supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, London Mathematical Society, National Natural Science Foundation of China, University’s Innovation Platform (Link Fund) and industry. Dr. Wu serves as an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, I

EEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, and IEEE Access, as well as an Area Editor of Computer Networks (Elsevier). He also serves as a Guest Editor for many international journals, including IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,

IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, and IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems. He is a Senior Member of the IEEE and the ACM, and a Fellow of the HEA.Sukhdeep Singh received his Integrated Dual Degree (Bachelors and Ma

sters degree) in Computer Science from GVU Jaipur India in 2013. He received his PhD in Computer Engineering from Sungkyunkwan University in South Korea in 2016 along with the ’Superior Research Award’ for publishing the maximum number of SCI(E) research papers during Ph.D. in 2016 from the Electric

al and Computer Engineering department. He also received the ’SKKU bright student scholarship award’. He was part of Brain Korea (BK21) and National Research Foundation of Korea project during his Ph.D. He worked in diverse fields during his Ph.D., viz. eMBMS scheduling, video delivery architecture

for 5G, integrating sociology with Next Generation Mobile Networks, D2D communications. Sukhdeep Singh is currently working with Samsung R&D India Bangalore in 5G RAN System design where he is responsible for research and design of O-RAN and Networks Slicing features for 5G Networks. Apart from this

he is also heading the research task force of Access R&D group (with 200+ employees) of Network R&D team at Samsung R&D India-Bangalore. He received Samsung Best Paper Award conferred by CEO & President of Samsung Electronics and has also received Samsung Citizen Award (quarterly awards) for four t

imes conferred by MD of Samsung R&D India-Bangalore. He has published more than 25 research articles in his career. He has served as Guest editor in Taylor and Francis IETE journal, General Chair in workshops hosted/will be hosted in IEEE WCNC 2020 and IEEE Globecom 2020. He also served as Technical

Program Chair member for IEEE iNIS 2016, IEEE iNIS 2017, ISRO-ACM ICSE 2017, IEEE iSES 2018, IEEE iSES 2019, IEEE iSES 2020 and IEEE iSES 2021. He has been invited as a guest lecturer by University of Toronto, IITs, IIMs and IIITs and keynote speaker at Springers ICIMMI 2019 and IEEE Virtual Talk S

eries 2020. He edited the world’s first book on 6G.Tarik Taleb received the B.E. degree (with Distinction) in information engineering and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in information sciences from Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, in 2001, 2003, and 2005, respectively. He is currently a Professor with

the School of Electrical Engineering, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. He is the Founder and the Director of the MOSA!C Lab, Espoo, Finland. He is a part-time Professor with the Center of Wireless Communications, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland. He was an Assistant Professor with the Graduate Sc

hool of Information Sciences, Tohoku University, in a laboratory fully funded by KDDI until 2009. He was a Senior Researcher and a 3GPP Standards Expert with NEC Europe Ltd., Heidelberg, Germany. He was then leading the NEC Europe Labs Team, involved with research and development projects on carrier

cloud platforms, an important vision of 5G systems. From 2005 to 2006, he was a Research Fellow with the Intelligent Cosmos Research Institute, Sendai. He has also been directly engaged in the development and standardization of the Evolved Packet System as a member of the 3GPP System Architecture W

orking Group. His current research interests include architectural enhancements to mobile core networks (particularly, 3GPP’s), network softwarization and slicing, mobile cloud networking, network function virtualization, software-defined networking, mobile multimedia streaming, inter vehicular comm

unications, and social media networking.Harpreet S. Dhillon received the B.Tech. degree in electronics and communication engineering from IIT Guwahati in 2008, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Virginia Tech in 2010, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of

Texas at Austin in 2013. After serving as a Viterbi Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Southern California for a year, he joined Virginia Tech in 2014, where he is currently an Associate Professor of electrical and computer engineering and the Elizabeth and James E. Turner Jr. ’56 Faculty Fell

ow. His research interests include communication theory, wireless networks, stochastic geometry, and machine learning. He is a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher and has coauthored five best paper award recipients including the 2014 IEEE Leonard G. Abraham Prize, the 2015 IEEE ComSoc Young

Author Best Paper Award, and the 2016 IEEE Heinrich Hertz Award. He is the recipient of the 2020 IEEE Communication Theory Technical Committee (CTTC) Early Achievement Award and the 2020 IEEE Radio Communications Committee (RCC) Early Achievement Award. He was named the 2017 Outstanding New Assistan

t Professor, the 2018 Steven O. Lane Junior Faculty Fellow, the 2018 College of Engineering Faculty Fellow, and the recipient of the 2020 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Research by Virginia Tech. His other academic honors include the 2008 Agilent Engineering and Technology Award, the UT Austin MCD F

ellowship, the 2013 UT Austin WNCG leadership award, and the inaugural IIT Guwahati Young Alumni Achiever Award 2020. He currently serves as a Senior Editor for the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters and an Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications and the IEEE Transactions on Gr

een Communications and Networking.Abhishek Roy received the B.E. degree from Jadavpur University, India, in 2000, the M.S. degree from The University of Texas at Arlington, in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree from Sungkyunkwan University, in 2010. He is currently working as a Senior Technical Manager at M

ediaTek Inc. USA. Prior to working in MediaTek, he worked for Samsung Electronics at their head quarters in Suwon, South Korea for 12 years. He has more than 15 years of relevant experience in design and performance analysis of wireless networks, spanning across different countries. He has strong pr

ofessional skills in 4G/5G/6G wireless system design, New Radio unlicensed, the IoT, cloud RAN, network modeling, and simulation. He has been published in more than 80 top-notch international journals and magazines (IEEE), coupled with ten patents and standards contributions. He served as technical

program committee members and track chairs of International wireless conferences, special Issue journal editorial boards and PhD thesis committees. He is also winner of Best Employee, Best Masters and Best Paper awards from company, University and International Conferences.Madhan Raj Kanagarathinam

received the BE degree in computer science and engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India, in 2012. He is currently pursuing his MS in Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras. He has nine years of working experience in design and development of TCP/IP protocols, Multipath TCP and UNIX flav

ored operating systems. Currently, he is working as a Senior Chief Engineer for Samsung R&D Institute India Bangalore. Previously, he worked as an Engineer with Aricent Technology (India) Private Limited. He is the author of 15 articles, and more than 25 inventions. His current research interests in

clude communication and network which include Pre-6G/Beyond 5G, Next Generation Mobile Network, software defined network architecture, wireless transport layer protocols, and cross layer optimization technique. He is also winner of IEEE Bangalore Young Technologist of the Year 2020. He is a senior m

ember of the IEEE, and a member of the ACM.Dr. Aloknath De is Chief Technology Officer of Samsung R&D Institute India, Bangalore since 2011 when he initiated 5G research activities as his first assignment. As Corporate Vice President of Samsung Electronics, South Korea, he has also been responsible

for Samsung’s IoT Data Platform and Intelligent Services. Dr. De received his B.Tech. from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, M.E. from Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, and Ph.D. from McGill University, Montreal. Prior to Samsung, he has held progressive responsibilities

in Bharat Electronics, Nortel Network (Montreal), Hughes and ST-Ericsson where he was Country Manager and a Board Director. Additionally, he served as an AICTE-INAE Visiting Professor in IIT-Roorkee and an Adjunct Professor in IIT-Delhi between 2005 and 2011. During 30 years of corporate life, he ha

s been solving complex problems: from Radar Systems to Futuristic Devices, from Rich Communication to Machine Understanding. He has 25+ patents granted/filed and 50+ research publications. For technology leadership, Dr. De has received numerous accolades: Alexander Graham Bell Prize (Canada), IETE M

emorial Award, IDC Insights Award, Nasscom AI Game Changer Award; and also from IESA for ’Innovative Product’, Zinnov for ’Intrapreneur of the Year’, Assocham for ’Tech Leader of the Year’ and TechCircle for ’Business Transformation’. He is recognized as one of the ’Most Influential CIO/CTOs of Indi

a’ and is Invited Speaker in ’Thought Leadership’ forums. His meticulous drive has made Samsung India center an Innovation Hub with repeat recognition through ’National IP Award’, and ’Great Place to Innovate’ award. He leads Samsung’s deep partnership with and strategic investment in Indian Startup

s. He has been contributing to global technology standards and is current chair of OCF India forum for IoT. As Chair of IEEE Communication Society in Bangalore, he has been spearheading workshops on Emerging Technologies. He is involved with Dept of Science & Technology (DST) and premier institutes

as member of Advisory Committee, Research Council and Governing Body. He is Fellow of IETE, IEI and Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE).


為了解決G HUB的問題,作者蘇國銘 這樣論述:

上皮性卵巢癌(EOCs)在晚期或復發的婦科惡性腫瘤中常是致命的和頑固的,其中漿液性佔絕大多數而卵巢清亮細胞癌(OCCC)是僅次於漿液性上皮性卵巢癌的第二常見的上皮性卵巢癌。即便經過腫瘤減積手術後加上化學藥物治療後仍有不少的患者有著較差的預後或是復發,故整體而言,對於卵巢癌的治療仍是一個相當大的挑戰。此外,邊緣性卵巢腫瘤(BOT),包括漿液性 BOT與黏液性BOT,是屬於介於良性與惡性之間的卵巢疾病,雖然大部分的預後不差但是也有與卵巢癌不同的組織病理學特性。本研究使用以基因本體(GO)為基礎加上機器學習輔助運算的綜合分析去探討卵巢清亮細胞癌以及漿液性卵巢腫瘤包含漿液性邊緣性卵巢腫瘤與漿液性卵巢

癌的GEO資料庫中失調的基因體、功能途徑,藉以去識別重要的差異表達基因(DEG)。首先在卵巢清亮細胞癌的整合性分析中,發現無論是早期抑或是晚期,與免疫功能相關尤其是活化補體系統的替代途徑的功能失調在腫瘤發生佔有相當重要的關聯性,而補體C3與補體C5也影響了疾病無惡化存活期(Progression-free survival, PFS)和整體存活率(Overall survival, OS)且免疫染色結果是有意義的。而在漿液性卵巢腫瘤的分析中發現,SRC基因和功能失調的芳烴受體(AHR)結合路徑(Binding pathway)確實影響PFS和OS,而且與上皮細胞間質轉化(Epithelial-

mesenchymal transition, EMT)相關的鋅指蛋白SNAI2在腫瘤發生過程中有重要角色,並顯示出從漿液性 BOT 到卵巢癌有著逐漸上升的影響趨勢。未來,標靶治療可以專注於這些有意義的生物標誌並結合精確監測,以提高治療效果和患者存活率。